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https://www.opentable.com.au/r/pacific-reservations-hayman-island?restref=25706&lang=en-AU ## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2BB6D59_E01B_31A4_41D2_C56D5450A4F9.toolTip = BAMBOO LOFT HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2BB5D58_E01B_31A4_41E7_19A875431EAA.toolTip = BAMBOO LOFT HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2843D58_E01B_31A4_41DB_496B3C4923A8.toolTip = CHANGE ROOMS - COUPLE HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2B87D5A_E01B_31A4_41D8_22500E35D056.toolTip = CHANGE ROOMS - MALE & FEMALE HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2852D57_E01B_31AC_41D5_6799A0694147.toolTip = DAYTIME VIEW HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2847D58_E01B_31A4_41DE_DD304F1FED49.toolTip = DAYTIME VIEW HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F280AD56_E01B_31AC_41E5_D23191AB99F9.toolTip = DAYTIME VIEW HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2BEED5F_E01B_305C_41DD_F2B6391ABE27.toolTip = DAYTIME VIEW HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2BEBD5F_E01B_305C_41A6_27E7DC6E168C.toolTip = DUSK VIEW HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2BE1D5F_E01B_305C_4199_193C25D721E5.toolTip = EXIT ROOM 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= GOTO LIONS COURT HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2855D57_E01B_31AC_41C0_99ED61AAEB57.toolTip = GOTO PACIFIC HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2870D57_E01B_31AC_41E3_00A7198E0A2F.toolTip = GOTO POOL TABLE HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2842D58_E01B_31A4_41E0_73DA72F1DB76.toolTip = GOTO WATERSPORTS HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F284BD58_E01B_31A4_41EA_0071DD6CF8AA.toolTip = GOTO WATERSPORTS CENTRE HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F286BD57_E01B_31AC_41B8_C2B3616D5616.toolTip = GOTO WATERSPORTS CENTRE HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2B90D59_E01B_31A4_41E4_94A71979C369.toolTip = MANICURE ROOM HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2BF3D5A_E01B_31A4_4194_1CB4BDBCC552.toolTip = OASIS HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2BB9D58_E01B_31A4_41C1_16D0B55479AB.toolTip = RECEPTION HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2BF6D5F_E01B_305C_41DF_EA83AC04EE03.toolTip = SUNSET VIEW HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2B99D59_E01B_31A4_419B_5FCEC237BC9A.toolTip = SUNSET VIEW HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2875D57_E01B_31AC_41DE_54F18C2684DD.toolTip = SUNSET VIEW 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Located on levels 2 and 3 of the resort, the One Bedroom Pool Ocean View Suite offers exquisite indoor and outdoor living spaces with views across the Hayman Pool and Coral Sea. Each residence offers light-filled open spaces which flow from each room to the next, starting with the open-plan living area and private double balcony. The private master bedroom features king bedding with the same hypnotic views, a separate master ensuite with bath, shower and double vanity, and an open-plan dressing room. \

\ 1 bedroom | 75sqm | 2 guests panorama_7556590E_63CB_918F_41BE_86F498F1FDA2.subtitle = (Accessible Room). Luxury island living is reimagined with one of the resort’s most iconic experiences: the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite. This residence offers direct swim-out access from your private double balcony into the Hayman Pool, providing an unrivalled sense of relaxation. Newly-transformed interiors boast floor-to-ceiling windows creating bright living spaces and soft coastal hues in the lounge area. The master bedroom features king bedding, an open-plan dressing room and contemporary ensuite with separate shower, bath tub and luxury amenities. Please note: guests 12 years and under are not permitted to stay in the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite due to Queensland pool safety regulations. \

\ 1 bedroom | 75sqm | 2 guests panorama_755673AC_63CB_B0B3_41CB_42AB699FD744.subtitle = (Accessible Room). Luxury island living is reimagined with one of the resort’s most iconic experiences: the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite. This residence offers direct swim-out access from your private double balcony into the Hayman Pool, providing an unrivalled sense of relaxation. Newly-transformed interiors boast floor-to-ceiling windows creating bright living spaces and soft coastal hues in the lounge area. The master bedroom features king bedding, an open-plan dressing room and contemporary ensuite with separate shower, bath tub and luxury amenities. Please note: guests 12 years and under are not permitted to stay in the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite due to Queensland pool safety regulations. \

\ 1 bedroom | 75sqm | 2 guests panorama_75566E60_63CB_F3B3_41C9_0E0CC976C619.subtitle = (Accessible Room). Luxury island living is reimagined with one of the resort’s most iconic experiences: the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite. This residence offers direct swim-out access from your private double balcony into the Hayman Pool, providing an unrivalled sense of relaxation. Newly-transformed interiors boast floor-to-ceiling windows creating bright living spaces and soft coastal hues in the lounge area. The master bedroom features king bedding, an open-plan dressing room and contemporary ensuite with separate shower, bath tub and luxury amenities. Please note: guests 12 years and under are not permitted to stay in the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite due to Queensland pool safety regulations. \

\ 1 bedroom | 75sqm | 2 guests panorama_4763E783_7ECE_21D1_41BE_EAF58189E484.subtitle = A stunning outdoor setting that stretches from Central Lanai, right through to Rainforest Grove. Featuring an open-air lagoon fit with an on-water staging platform, tropical garden features and a flowing waterfall feature wall, this space caters to cocktail events for 240. panorama_915A5E2E_AC73_1F3B_41E2_2A7D202DF87A.subtitle = A stunning outdoor setting that stretches from Central Lanai, right through to Rainforest Grove. Featuring an open-air lagoon fit with an on-water staging platform, tropical garden features and a flowing waterfall feature wall, this space caters to cocktail events for 240. panorama_4A482F50_7908_B159_41C0_23CD1448792A.subtitle = A stunning outdoor setting that stretches from Central Lanai, right through to Rainforest Grove. Featuring an open-air lagoon fit with an on-water staging platform, tropical garden features and a flowing waterfall feature wall, this space caters to cocktail events for 240. panorama_7DD71F66_63F8_B1BF_41CD_1EAD8A7E58B8.subtitle = A waterfront oasis for the entire family awaits with the beautifully-appointed Two Bedroom Pool Suite Ocean View. Located on levels 2 and 3 of the resort, the suites offer an elegant blend of interior and exterior design, with views across the Hayman Pool and Coral Sea from your private double balcony. The spacious residence is flooded with natural light, offering an airy living room and dining area, complete with beautiful finishes and minimalist design. This suite provides two luxurious rooms with a king size bed in each, its own private ensuite bathroom with separate shower, bath, double vanity and open-plan dressing room. The Two Bedroom Pool Suite Ocean View is 114sqm (Pool Suite is 75m2 and twin room at 38m2). \

\ 2 bedrooms | 114sqm | 4 guests panorama_7DD7B557_63F8_B19D_41D8_0A8ECE36FBCC.subtitle = A waterfront oasis for the entire family awaits with the beautifully-appointed Two Bedroom Pool Suite Ocean View. Located on levels 2 and 3 of the resort, the suites offer an elegant blend of interior and exterior design, with views across the Hayman Pool and Coral Sea from your private double balcony. The spacious residence is flooded with natural light, offering an airy living room and dining area, complete with beautiful finishes and minimalist design. This suite provides two luxurious rooms with a king size bed in each, its own private ensuite bathroom with separate shower, bath, double vanity and open-plan dressing room. The Two Bedroom Pool Suite Ocean View is 114sqm (Pool Suite is 75m2 and twin room at 38m2). \

\ 2 bedrooms | 114sqm | 4 guests panorama_54FE7961_684A_38A8_41A8_E65591266C20.subtitle = A waterfront oasis for the entire family awaits with the beautifully-appointed Two Bedroom Pool Suite Ocean View. Located on levels 2 and 3 of the resort, the suites offer an elegant blend of interior and exterior design, with views across the Hayman Pool and Coral Sea from your private double balcony. The spacious residence is flooded with natural light, offering an airy living room and dining area, complete with beautiful finishes and minimalist design. This suite provides two luxurious rooms with a king size bed in each, its own private ensuite bathroom with separate shower, bath, double vanity and open-plan dressing room. The Two Bedroom Pool Suite Ocean View is 114sqm (Pool Suite is 75m2 and twin room at 38m2). \

\ 2 bedrooms | 114sqm | 4 guests panorama_7DC3A066_63F8_8FBE_41C1_2D4CD345584A.subtitle = A waterfront oasis for the entire family awaits with the beautifully-appointed Two Bedroom Pool Suite Ocean View. Located on levels 2 and 3 of the resort, the suites offer an elegant blend of interior and exterior design, with views across the Hayman Pool and Coral Sea from your private double balcony. The spacious residence is flooded with natural light, offering an airy living room and dining area, complete with beautiful finishes and minimalist design. This suite provides two luxurious rooms with a king size bed in each, its own private ensuite bathroom with separate shower, bath, double vanity and open-plan dressing room. The Two Bedroom Pool Suite Ocean View is 114sqm (Pool Suite is 75m2 and twin room at 38m2). \

\ 2 bedrooms | 114sqm | 4 guests panorama_2E3BC17F_685A_4898_41B4_D50E1F475369.subtitle = A waterfront oasis for the entire family awaits with the beautifully-appointed Two Bedroom Pool Suite Ocean View. Located on levels 2 and 3 of the resort, the suites offer an elegant blend of interior and exterior design, with views across the Hayman Pool and Coral Sea from your private double balcony. The spacious residence is flooded with natural light, offering an airy living room and dining area, complete with beautiful finishes and minimalist design. This suite provides two luxurious rooms with a king size bed in each, its own private ensuite bathroom with separate shower, bath, double vanity and open-plan dressing room. The Two Bedroom Pool Suite Ocean View is 114sqm (Pool Suite is 75m2 and twin room at 38m2). \

\ 2 bedrooms | 114sqm | 4 guests panorama_35B1E666_7EC2_2353_41DD_FA4E5A2A40B1.subtitle = Amidst manicured gardens and symmetrical surrounds, place stunning long tables over the terrace’s fountain displays for an enchanted evening you won’t forget, or begin celebrations with cocktail moments in the venues Central Lanai location. panorama_5CFE26A9_7908_73CB_41D6_A48C74E88DDA.subtitle = Amidst manicured gardens and symmetrical surrounds, place stunning long tables over the terrace’s fountain displays for an enchanted evening you won’t forget, or begin celebrations with cocktail moments in the venues Central Lanai location. panorama_509AE096_7908_EFD9_41DA_29615E41C298.subtitle = Arkhurst’s curved symmetrical surrounds welcome delegates to a multitude of indoor event activations; from gala dinners, to team-building moments, break-out sessions, exhibitions and more. panorama_4C6D78ED_6D9A_30BE_41D3_E370A90FC461.subtitle = Bold Pan-Asian Flavour \
\ Located beside Infinity Pool, Bam Bam serves up zesty Pan-Asian food infused with a fresh Australian twist. Immerse in poolside bliss while infusing the senses in a signature Pac Man cocktail and wok-tossed noodles. panorama_5386AE33_7E42_2331_41DE_0A47B96500F3.subtitle = Bold Pan-Asian Flavour \
\ Located beside Infinity Pool, Bam Bam serves up zesty Pan-Asian food infused with a fresh Australian twist. Immerse in poolside bliss while infusing the senses in a signature Pac Man cocktail and wok-tossed noodles. panorama_4C75C4EE_6D9A_50BA_41D2_635865F6D186.subtitle = Bold Pan-Asian Flavour \
\ Located beside Infinity Pool, Bam Bam serves up zesty Pan-Asian food infused with a fresh Australian twist. Immerse in poolside bliss while infusing the senses in a signature Pac Man cocktail and wok-tossed noodles. panorama_2A393C65_684A_F8A8_41C1_463D1140E0F3.subtitle = Designed as a relaxing haven for families, the Family Lagoon Suite offers a luxurious retreat with rare connection to the unspoiled surrounds. \

\ 2 bedrooms | 144sqm | 4 adults + 2 children up to 12 years panorama_425FDF3E_5918_AB47_41B2_D092674EA4C8.subtitle = Designed as a relaxing haven for families, the Family Lagoon Suite offers a luxurious retreat with rare connection to the unspoiled surrounds. \

\ 2 bedrooms | 144sqm | 4 adults + 2 children up to 12 years panorama_F01E0ABB_E7CD_2FA1_41DD_D5AF03F7D416.subtitle = Discover one of InterContinental Hayman Island Resort’s most exclusive residences. Ideal for larger travel groups, the suite offers panoramic views across Hayman Island and the Whitsundays from a wrap-around balcony, an impressive gallery kitchenette, contemporary open-plan living area and bar. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 190sqm | 7 guests panorama_D4211C6D_DB67_FB34_41EB_1A3345C98458.subtitle = Discover one of InterContinental Hayman Island Resort’s most exclusive residences. Ideal for larger travel groups, the suite offers panoramic views across Hayman Island and the Whitsundays from a wrap-around balcony, an impressive gallery kitchenette, contemporary open-plan living area and bar. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 190sqm | 7 guests panorama_C62ADD63_DBEB_9533_41EA_E6CFD826E53F.subtitle = Discover one of InterContinental Hayman Island Resort’s most exclusive residences. Ideal for larger travel groups, the suite offers panoramic views across Hayman Island and the Whitsundays from a wrap-around balcony, an impressive gallery kitchenette, contemporary open-plan living area and bar. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 190sqm | 7 guests panorama_F164EF3A_E7CF_26A3_41DE_13A77D6222FB.subtitle = Discover one of InterContinental Hayman Island Resort’s most exclusive residences. Ideal for larger travel groups, the suite offers panoramic views across Hayman Island and the Whitsundays from a wrap-around balcony, an impressive gallery kitchenette, contemporary open-plan living area and bar. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 190sqm | 7 guests panorama_F0D7FDC6_E7CF_25E3_41A7_29760A4FF8C0.subtitle = Discover one of InterContinental Hayman Island Resort’s most exclusive residences. Ideal for larger travel groups, the suite offers panoramic views across Hayman Island and the Whitsundays from a wrap-around balcony, an impressive gallery kitchenette, contemporary open-plan living area and bar. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 190sqm | 7 guests panorama_F0AE8227_E7CD_3EA1_41D9_220E3E2FBA75.subtitle = Discover one of InterContinental Hayman Island Resort’s most exclusive residences. Ideal for larger travel groups, the suite offers panoramic views across Hayman Island and the Whitsundays from a wrap-around balcony, an impressive gallery kitchenette, contemporary open-plan living area and bar. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 190sqm | 7 guests panorama_F0CD5278_E7CD_1EAF_41EA_7CCF497F159C.subtitle = Discover one of InterContinental Hayman Island Resort’s most exclusive residences. Ideal for larger travel groups, the suite offers panoramic views across Hayman Island and the Whitsundays from a wrap-around balcony, an impressive gallery kitchenette, contemporary open-plan living area and bar. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 190sqm | 7 guests panorama_C0D69DFD_DBA6_B514_41C4_65B6C369A043.subtitle = Discover one of InterContinental Hayman Island Resort’s most exclusive residences. Ideal for larger travel groups, the suite offers panoramic views across Hayman Island and the Whitsundays from a wrap-around balcony, an impressive gallery kitchenette, contemporary open-plan living area and bar. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 190sqm | 7 guests panorama_C53EEB4F_DBEB_9D74_41BD_BB029D9D3D21.subtitle = Discover one of InterContinental Hayman Island Resort’s most exclusive residences. Ideal for larger travel groups, the suite offers panoramic views across Hayman Island and the Whitsundays from a wrap-around balcony, an impressive gallery kitchenette, contemporary open-plan living area and bar. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 190sqm | 7 guests panorama_D4212C79_DB67_BB1C_41D6_55B7C30F7596.subtitle = Discover one of InterContinental Hayman Island Resort’s most exclusive residences. Ideal for larger travel groups, the suite offers panoramic views across Hayman Island and the Whitsundays from a wrap-around balcony, an impressive gallery kitchenette, contemporary open-plan living area and bar. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 190sqm | 7 guests panorama_F06D13A3_E7CD_1DA1_41AC_B2884EA72B10.subtitle = Discover one of InterContinental Hayman Island Resort’s most exclusive residences. Ideal for larger travel groups, the suite offers panoramic views across Hayman Island and the Whitsundays from a wrap-around balcony, an impressive gallery kitchenette, contemporary open-plan living area and bar. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 190sqm | 7 guests panorama_F08FD16C_E7CD_1AA7_41E8_14A92C3FA7A5.subtitle = Discover one of InterContinental Hayman Island Resort’s most exclusive residences. Ideal for larger travel groups, the suite offers panoramic views across Hayman Island and the Whitsundays from a wrap-around balcony, an impressive gallery kitchenette, contemporary open-plan living area and bar. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 190sqm | 7 guests panorama_F0A60DCC_E7CF_E5E7_41DC_5F42B003B880.subtitle = Discover one of InterContinental Hayman Island Resort’s most exclusive residences. Ideal for larger travel groups, the suite offers panoramic views across Hayman Island and the Whitsundays from a wrap-around balcony, an impressive gallery kitchenette, contemporary open-plan living area and bar. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 190sqm | 7 guests panorama_C618B914_DBDE_9D15_41E2_EE13A6BCBD76.subtitle = Discover one of InterContinental Hayman Island Resort’s most exclusive residences. Ideal for larger travel groups, the suite offers panoramic views across Hayman Island and the Whitsundays from a wrap-around balcony, an impressive gallery kitchenette, contemporary open-plan living area and bar. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 190sqm | 7 guests panorama_48270302_6339_B177_41A9_791E252F102E.subtitle = Discover stretches of white-sand paradise with unrivalled location on the absolute Hayman® beachfront. Offering rare access to nature’s unspoiled surrounds as your own, the Beachfront Pool Villas open onto spectacular views of the Coral Sea. Floor-to-ceiling windows create light-drenched living, with the residence offering a super-king bedroom, separate bathroom with island bath tub, separate shower and open-plan dressing room. Outdoors, the villas feature a private island retreat with an open-air plunge pool, outdoor shower, a chaise lounge day-bed and beautiful timber finishes. Please note: guests 12 years and under are not permitted to stay in the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite due to Queensland pool safety regulations. \

\ 1 bedroom | 120 sqm | 2 guests panorama_B833E567_AB95_0D29_41C2_3BA01CF6A1C0.subtitle = Discover stretches of white-sand paradise with unrivalled location on the absolute Hayman® beachfront. Offering rare access to nature’s unspoiled surrounds as your own, the Beachfront Pool Villas open onto spectacular views of the Coral Sea. Floor-to-ceiling windows create light-drenched living, with the residence offering a super-king bedroom, separate bathroom with island bath tub, separate shower and open-plan dressing room. Outdoors, the villas feature a private island retreat with an open-air plunge pool, outdoor shower, a chaise lounge day-bed and beautiful timber finishes. Please note: guests 12 years and under are not permitted to stay in the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite due to Queensland pool safety regulations. \

\ 1 bedroom | 120 sqm | 2 guests panorama_B21E5A3F_ABAD_071A_41E0_A55113056BE9.subtitle = Discover stretches of white-sand paradise with unrivalled location on the absolute Hayman® beachfront. Offering rare access to nature’s unspoiled surrounds as your own, the Beachfront Pool Villas open onto spectacular views of the Coral Sea. Floor-to-ceiling windows create light-drenched living, with the residence offering a super-king bedroom, separate bathroom with island bath tub, separate shower and open-plan dressing room. Outdoors, the villas feature a private island retreat with an open-air plunge pool, outdoor shower, a chaise lounge day-bed and beautiful timber finishes. Please note: guests 12 years and under are not permitted to stay in the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite due to Queensland pool safety regulations. \

\ 1 bedroom | 120 sqm | 2 guests panorama_4E4832DB_6338_7095_41BF_947F435BBF97.subtitle = Discover stretches of white-sand paradise with unrivalled location on the absolute Hayman® beachfront. Offering rare access to nature’s unspoiled surrounds as your own, the Beachfront Pool Villas open onto spectacular views of the Coral Sea. Floor-to-ceiling windows create light-drenched living, with the residence offering a super-king bedroom, separate bathroom with island bath tub, separate shower and open-plan dressing room. Outdoors, the villas feature a private island retreat with an open-air plunge pool, outdoor shower, a chaise lounge day-bed and beautiful timber finishes. Please note: guests 12 years and under are not permitted to stay in the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite due to Queensland pool safety regulations. \

\ 1 bedroom | 120 sqm | 2 guests panorama_E400BACA_F5DA_18F9_41B1_9A3238938A4C.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_E4A0FC77_F5DA_1F97_41C6_19C459F6C532.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_E41B8AEB_F5DA_18BF_41CD_5198CAE211F1.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_390035FD_65C8_7092_41D1_C816972D83B3.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_3905E27A_65CF_9397_41B1_B79BDA84B4DF.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_39F85F40_65CF_91F3_41C8_2434AA25136C.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_E4E284EB_F5D6_28BF_41CD_9952B2FFF525.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_E7C11624_F5CA_EBA9_41D6_98EB4988C505.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_39F9D77E_65CF_F18F_41B4_662B17B8BA97.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_2812D978_684B_D898_41BB_E46F8C280A1E.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_A126316E_83B6_445B_41DD_FDA5287506BC.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_2EB44505_684A_4868_41C9_63D72314D67E.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_F3DE4AEA_6548_B0B7_41C9_C9AA87C74A60.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_F77DD94A_6548_71F7_41C8_40C5A49068C0.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_283347BF_69B6_5798_41D8_F0702D21FCC8.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_39F9FFFA_65C8_9097_41A2_0735BC8ED951.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_39F30D78_65C8_B193_41D1_7AAAC814E09A.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_E75046A7_F5CE_28B7_41EA_2F7195729EDD.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_E4027450_F5DA_EFE9_41E7_FABA06387386.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_EE63123F_F656_6B97_41E6_72D8F2249EA1.subtitle = Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities.

\ \ 4 bedrooms | 8 guests panorama_5E86F6DC_784F_8310_41BD_8CB09AFA3F88.subtitle = Each day at 10:30am we offer Fish Feeding at the Marina Pontoon where you have the chance to feed giant trevally and the occasional grouper. A great activity for the kids. panorama_55481F15_4F52_9CAC_419B_7580120E6403.subtitle = Elegant floor-to-ceiling windows welcome you out onto a magnificent private balcony featuring partial views of Hayman Beach and Coral Sea. Located on levels 1, 2 and 3 of the resort, each residence offers bright interiors with generous, light-filled spaces, king or twin bedding and open-plan dressing room. A private ensuite features separate bath tub, shower and double vanity. Adjoining rooms are subject to availability upon request. Third guest to utilise a pull-out single sofa bed. \

\ 1 bedroom | 54sqm | 2 adults + 1 child up to 12 years panorama_5EAF9910_685A_7868_41D6_0D5FF0FDD69C.subtitle = Elegant floor-to-ceiling windows welcome you out onto a magnificent private balcony featuring partial views of Hayman Beach and Coral Sea. Located on levels 1, 2 and 3 of the resort, each residence offers bright interiors with generous, light-filled spaces, king or twin bedding and open-plan dressing room. A private ensuite features separate bath tub, shower and double vanity. Adjoining rooms are subject to availability upon request. Third guest to utilise a pull-out single sofa bed. \

\ 1 bedroom | 54sqm | 2 adults + 1 child up to 12 years panorama_56B9B84D_4F51_A4BF_41C2_02933EE24BAB.subtitle = Elegant floor-to-ceiling windows welcome you out onto a magnificent private balcony featuring partial views of Hayman Beach and Coral Sea. Located on levels 1, 2 and 3 of the resort, each residence offers bright interiors with generous, light-filled spaces, king or twin bedding and open-plan dressing room. A private ensuite features separate bath tub, shower and double vanity. Adjoining rooms are subject to availability upon request. Third guest to utilise a pull-out single sofa bed. \

\ 1 bedroom | 54sqm | 2 adults + 1 child up to 12 years panorama_53EB5DBE_684A_5B98_41B3_36FF378FFDDA.subtitle = Elegant floor-to-ceiling windows welcome you out onto a magnificent private balcony featuring partial views of Hayman Beach and Coral Sea. Located on levels 1, 2 and 3 of the resort, each residence offers bright interiors with generous, light-filled spaces, king or twin bedding and open-plan dressing room. A private ensuite features separate bath tub, shower and double vanity. Adjoining rooms are subject to availability upon request. Third guest to utilise a pull-out single sofa bed. \

\ 1 bedroom | 54sqm | 2 adults + 1 child up to 12 years panorama_5754DFE5_6BCA_37A8_41D1_6D12F521405D.subtitle = Experience one of the resort’s most exquisite residences as the One Bedroom Hayman Suite blends spacious, contemporary interiors with stunning Whitsunday vistas. \

\ 1 bedroom | 92sqm | 3 guests panorama_55432C33_5918_ED43_41D4_6A932F82B02F.subtitle = Experience one of the resort’s most exquisite residences as the One Bedroom Hayman Suite blends spacious, contemporary interiors with stunning Whitsunday vistas. \

\ 1 bedroom | 92sqm | 3 guests panorama_2B16352E_6855_C8B8_41D2_B61B979B200C.subtitle = Experience one of the resort’s most exquisite residences as the One Bedroom Hayman Suite blends spacious, contemporary interiors with stunning Whitsunday vistas. \

\ 1 bedroom | 92sqm | 3 guests panorama_53504B2D_6358_B1B2_41CF_30F62F2BC802.subtitle = Experience the pinnacle of Hayman Island with its most exclusive residence: the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House. The private estate is nestled on the Hayman® beachfront with unrivalled, unobstructed views of the Coral Sea. \
\ This luxurious residence boasts modern design-led interiors with airy, light-drenched open-living that includes a private dining and living room, and outdoor alfresco entertaining area overlooking the spectacular beachfront infinity pool. \
\ Three bedrooms each offer a distinct sense of place: the master suite featuring a dramatic entry with floor-to-ceiling curtains bordering your opulent king bed with direct access to the infinity pool*. While all rooms feature superior design, master ensuites with over-sized bathtubs and a private pool*. \
\ Designed to flow effortlessly from the indoors to outdoors, this immaculate residence also features sun lounges with each pool, manicured gardens and bamboo walls, and timber stepping platforms leading to direct beach access. \
\ * All pools in the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House are fully safety-fenced which permits children under the age of 12 to stay in this accommodation. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 400sqm | 6 guests panorama_B940EC60_AB93_0326_41BD_44A815BC5497.subtitle = Experience the pinnacle of Hayman Island with its most exclusive residence: the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House. The private estate is nestled on the Hayman® beachfront with unrivalled, unobstructed views of the Coral Sea. \
\ This luxurious residence boasts modern design-led interiors with airy, light-drenched open-living that includes a private dining and living room, and outdoor alfresco entertaining area overlooking the spectacular beachfront infinity pool. \
\ Three bedrooms each offer a distinct sense of place: the master suite featuring a dramatic entry with floor-to-ceiling curtains bordering your opulent king bed with direct access to the infinity pool*. While all rooms feature superior design, master ensuites with over-sized bathtubs and a private pool*. \
\ Designed to flow effortlessly from the indoors to outdoors, this immaculate residence also features sun lounges with each pool, manicured gardens and bamboo walls, and timber stepping platforms leading to direct beach access. \
\ * All pools in the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House are fully safety-fenced which permits children under the age of 12 to stay in this accommodation. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 400sqm | 6 guests panorama_282E2708_685E_4878_41B0_ECB6EF00C7BA.subtitle = Experience the pinnacle of Hayman Island with its most exclusive residence: the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House. The private estate is nestled on the Hayman® beachfront with unrivalled, unobstructed views of the Coral Sea. \
\ This luxurious residence boasts modern design-led interiors with airy, light-drenched open-living that includes a private dining and living room, and outdoor alfresco entertaining area overlooking the spectacular beachfront infinity pool. \
\ Three bedrooms each offer a distinct sense of place: the master suite featuring a dramatic entry with floor-to-ceiling curtains bordering your opulent king bed with direct access to the infinity pool*. While all rooms feature superior design, master ensuites with over-sized bathtubs and a private pool*. \
\ Designed to flow effortlessly from the indoors to outdoors, this immaculate residence also features sun lounges with each pool, manicured gardens and bamboo walls, and timber stepping platforms leading to direct beach access. \
\ * All pools in the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House are fully safety-fenced which permits children under the age of 12 to stay in this accommodation. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 400sqm | 6 guests panorama_2A6CD005_684E_C868_41D7_502B05A3FD0E.subtitle = Experience the pinnacle of Hayman Island with its most exclusive residence: the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House. The private estate is nestled on the Hayman® beachfront with unrivalled, unobstructed views of the Coral Sea. \
\ This luxurious residence boasts modern design-led interiors with airy, light-drenched open-living that includes a private dining and living room, and outdoor alfresco entertaining area overlooking the spectacular beachfront infinity pool. \
\ Three bedrooms each offer a distinct sense of place: the master suite featuring a dramatic entry with floor-to-ceiling curtains bordering your opulent king bed with direct access to the infinity pool*. While all rooms feature superior design, master ensuites with over-sized bathtubs and a private pool*. \
\ Designed to flow effortlessly from the indoors to outdoors, this immaculate residence also features sun lounges with each pool, manicured gardens and bamboo walls, and timber stepping platforms leading to direct beach access. \
\ * All pools in the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House are fully safety-fenced which permits children under the age of 12 to stay in this accommodation. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 400sqm | 6 guests panorama_535D605A_6358_8F97_41D3_37A7BD514562.subtitle = Experience the pinnacle of Hayman Island with its most exclusive residence: the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House. The private estate is nestled on the Hayman® beachfront with unrivalled, unobstructed views of the Coral Sea. \
\ This luxurious residence boasts modern design-led interiors with airy, light-drenched open-living that includes a private dining and living room, and outdoor alfresco entertaining area overlooking the spectacular beachfront infinity pool. \
\ Three bedrooms each offer a distinct sense of place: the master suite featuring a dramatic entry with floor-to-ceiling curtains bordering your opulent king bed with direct access to the infinity pool*. While all rooms feature superior design, master ensuites with over-sized bathtubs and a private pool*. \
\ Designed to flow effortlessly from the indoors to outdoors, this immaculate residence also features sun lounges with each pool, manicured gardens and bamboo walls, and timber stepping platforms leading to direct beach access. \
\ * All pools in the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House are fully safety-fenced which permits children under the age of 12 to stay in this accommodation. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 400sqm | 6 guests panorama_535A1673_6358_9395_41D8_DCB647D99AA0.subtitle = Experience the pinnacle of Hayman Island with its most exclusive residence: the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House. The private estate is nestled on the Hayman® beachfront with unrivalled, unobstructed views of the Coral Sea. \
\ This luxurious residence boasts modern design-led interiors with airy, light-drenched open-living that includes a private dining and living room, and outdoor alfresco entertaining area overlooking the spectacular beachfront infinity pool. \
\ Three bedrooms each offer a distinct sense of place: the master suite featuring a dramatic entry with floor-to-ceiling curtains bordering your opulent king bed with direct access to the infinity pool*. While all rooms feature superior design, master ensuites with over-sized bathtubs and a private pool*. \
\ Designed to flow effortlessly from the indoors to outdoors, this immaculate residence also features sun lounges with each pool, manicured gardens and bamboo walls, and timber stepping platforms leading to direct beach access. \
\ * All pools in the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House are fully safety-fenced which permits children under the age of 12 to stay in this accommodation. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 400sqm | 6 guests panorama_B9265DF4_AB9D_3D2E_41C6_7F987EBBD0C6.subtitle = Experience the pinnacle of Hayman Island with its most exclusive residence: the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House. The private estate is nestled on the Hayman® beachfront with unrivalled, unobstructed views of the Coral Sea. \
\ This luxurious residence boasts modern design-led interiors with airy, light-drenched open-living that includes a private dining and living room, and outdoor alfresco entertaining area overlooking the spectacular beachfront infinity pool. \
\ Three bedrooms each offer a distinct sense of place: the master suite featuring a dramatic entry with floor-to-ceiling curtains bordering your opulent king bed with direct access to the infinity pool*. While all rooms feature superior design, master ensuites with over-sized bathtubs and a private pool*. \
\ Designed to flow effortlessly from the indoors to outdoors, this immaculate residence also features sun lounges with each pool, manicured gardens and bamboo walls, and timber stepping platforms leading to direct beach access. \
\ * All pools in the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House are fully safety-fenced which permits children under the age of 12 to stay in this accommodation. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 400sqm | 6 guests panorama_A928DF3C_8396_5C3F_41CC_EF9C6461EB00.subtitle = Experience the pinnacle of Hayman Island with its most exclusive residence: the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House. The private estate is nestled on the Hayman® beachfront with unrivalled, unobstructed views of the Coral Sea. \
\ This luxurious residence boasts modern design-led interiors with airy, light-drenched open-living that includes a private dining and living room, and outdoor alfresco entertaining area overlooking the spectacular beachfront infinity pool. \
\ Three bedrooms each offer a distinct sense of place: the master suite featuring a dramatic entry with floor-to-ceiling curtains bordering your opulent king bed with direct access to the infinity pool*. While all rooms feature superior design, master ensuites with over-sized bathtubs and a private pool*. \
\ Designed to flow effortlessly from the indoors to outdoors, this immaculate residence also features sun lounges with each pool, manicured gardens and bamboo walls, and timber stepping platforms leading to direct beach access. \
\ * All pools in the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House are fully safety-fenced which permits children under the age of 12 to stay in this accommodation. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 400sqm | 6 guests panorama_2A176217_687A_4868_41A5_01EA95CF10D0.subtitle = Experience the pinnacle of Hayman Island with its most exclusive residence: the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House. The private estate is nestled on the Hayman® beachfront with unrivalled, unobstructed views of the Coral Sea. \
\ This luxurious residence boasts modern design-led interiors with airy, light-drenched open-living that includes a private dining and living room, and outdoor alfresco entertaining area overlooking the spectacular beachfront infinity pool. \
\ Three bedrooms each offer a distinct sense of place: the master suite featuring a dramatic entry with floor-to-ceiling curtains bordering your opulent king bed with direct access to the infinity pool*. While all rooms feature superior design, master ensuites with over-sized bathtubs and a private pool*. \
\ Designed to flow effortlessly from the indoors to outdoors, this immaculate residence also features sun lounges with each pool, manicured gardens and bamboo walls, and timber stepping platforms leading to direct beach access. \
\ * All pools in the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House are fully safety-fenced which permits children under the age of 12 to stay in this accommodation. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 400sqm | 6 guests panorama_535D4B08_6358_B173_41CA_573571792A5E.subtitle = Experience the pinnacle of Hayman Island with its most exclusive residence: the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House. The private estate is nestled on the Hayman® beachfront with unrivalled, unobstructed views of the Coral Sea. \
\ This luxurious residence boasts modern design-led interiors with airy, light-drenched open-living that includes a private dining and living room, and outdoor alfresco entertaining area overlooking the spectacular beachfront infinity pool. \
\ Three bedrooms each offer a distinct sense of place: the master suite featuring a dramatic entry with floor-to-ceiling curtains bordering your opulent king bed with direct access to the infinity pool*. While all rooms feature superior design, master ensuites with over-sized bathtubs and a private pool*. \
\ Designed to flow effortlessly from the indoors to outdoors, this immaculate residence also features sun lounges with each pool, manicured gardens and bamboo walls, and timber stepping platforms leading to direct beach access. \
\ * All pools in the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House are fully safety-fenced which permits children under the age of 12 to stay in this accommodation. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 400sqm | 6 guests panorama_53585022_6347_8FB7_41B9_5067356F6FEC.subtitle = Experience the pinnacle of Hayman Island with its most exclusive residence: the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House. The private estate is nestled on the Hayman® beachfront with unrivalled, unobstructed views of the Coral Sea. \
\ This luxurious residence boasts modern design-led interiors with airy, light-drenched open-living that includes a private dining and living room, and outdoor alfresco entertaining area overlooking the spectacular beachfront infinity pool. \
\ Three bedrooms each offer a distinct sense of place: the master suite featuring a dramatic entry with floor-to-ceiling curtains bordering your opulent king bed with direct access to the infinity pool*. While all rooms feature superior design, master ensuites with over-sized bathtubs and a private pool*. \
\ Designed to flow effortlessly from the indoors to outdoors, this immaculate residence also features sun lounges with each pool, manicured gardens and bamboo walls, and timber stepping platforms leading to direct beach access. \
\ * All pools in the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House are fully safety-fenced which permits children under the age of 12 to stay in this accommodation. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 400sqm | 6 guests panorama_B972774F_AB93_0D75_41A6_A384FC6D73B0.subtitle = Experience the pinnacle of Hayman Island with its most exclusive residence: the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House. The private estate is nestled on the Hayman® beachfront with unrivalled, unobstructed views of the Coral Sea. \
\ This luxurious residence boasts modern design-led interiors with airy, light-drenched open-living that includes a private dining and living room, and outdoor alfresco entertaining area overlooking the spectacular beachfront infinity pool. \
\ Three bedrooms each offer a distinct sense of place: the master suite featuring a dramatic entry with floor-to-ceiling curtains bordering your opulent king bed with direct access to the infinity pool*. While all rooms feature superior design, master ensuites with over-sized bathtubs and a private pool*. \
\ Designed to flow effortlessly from the indoors to outdoors, this immaculate residence also features sun lounges with each pool, manicured gardens and bamboo walls, and timber stepping platforms leading to direct beach access. \
\ * All pools in the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House are fully safety-fenced which permits children under the age of 12 to stay in this accommodation. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 400sqm | 6 guests panorama_553039DA_687A_5B98_41D6_461B93F62C75.subtitle = Experience the pinnacle of Hayman Island with its most exclusive residence: the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House. The private estate is nestled on the Hayman® beachfront with unrivalled, unobstructed views of the Coral Sea. \
\ This luxurious residence boasts modern design-led interiors with airy, light-drenched open-living that includes a private dining and living room, and outdoor alfresco entertaining area overlooking the spectacular beachfront infinity pool. \
\ Three bedrooms each offer a distinct sense of place: the master suite featuring a dramatic entry with floor-to-ceiling curtains bordering your opulent king bed with direct access to the infinity pool*. While all rooms feature superior design, master ensuites with over-sized bathtubs and a private pool*. \
\ Designed to flow effortlessly from the indoors to outdoors, this immaculate residence also features sun lounges with each pool, manicured gardens and bamboo walls, and timber stepping platforms leading to direct beach access. \
\ * All pools in the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House are fully safety-fenced which permits children under the age of 12 to stay in this accommodation. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 400sqm | 6 guests panorama_535835FA_6347_9097_41C8_4FA1B5E67ED4.subtitle = Experience the pinnacle of Hayman Island with its most exclusive residence: the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House. The private estate is nestled on the Hayman® beachfront with unrivalled, unobstructed views of the Coral Sea. \
\ This luxurious residence boasts modern design-led interiors with airy, light-drenched open-living that includes a private dining and living room, and outdoor alfresco entertaining area overlooking the spectacular beachfront infinity pool. \
\ Three bedrooms each offer a distinct sense of place: the master suite featuring a dramatic entry with floor-to-ceiling curtains bordering your opulent king bed with direct access to the infinity pool*. While all rooms feature superior design, master ensuites with over-sized bathtubs and a private pool*. \
\ Designed to flow effortlessly from the indoors to outdoors, this immaculate residence also features sun lounges with each pool, manicured gardens and bamboo walls, and timber stepping platforms leading to direct beach access. \
\ * All pools in the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House are fully safety-fenced which permits children under the age of 12 to stay in this accommodation. \

\ 3 bedrooms | 400sqm | 6 guests panorama_456E7441_684B_C8E8_41D2_B9D90AA04150.subtitle = Family friendly infinity pool with breathtaking views across the Coral Sea and Whitsunday Islands. panorama_40E8901E_684B_C898_41D4_D168AC7E0A26.subtitle = Family friendly infinity pool with breathtaking views across the Coral Sea and Whitsunday Islands. panorama_9C1D5250_ACB7_0767_41C9_6C2DD7B11E82.subtitle = Family friendly infinity pool with breathtaking views across the Coral Sea and Whitsunday Islands. panorama_6333C9A5_7908_71FB_41D6_2632898FBA13.subtitle = Hayman Islands main building were you can check-in at reception or simply relax in one of my lounge and activity areas. panorama_9AF1FD10_8272_3DC7_41C5_01F20A93392B.subtitle = Hayman Islands main building were you can check-in at reception or simply relax in one of my lounge and activity areas. panorama_63358E76_7908_9359_41D8_3EAF09456B3C.subtitle = Hayman Islands main building were you can check-in at reception or simply relax in one of my lounge and activity areas. panorama_73810189_68D6_4878_41A0_DB5B00694E4C.subtitle = Hayman Islands main building were you can check-in at reception or simply relax in one of my lounge and activity areas. panorama_53F07DCA_7E4E_2153_41AB_7871F9624119.subtitle = Hayman’s Poolside Bar \
\ Perfectly positioned on the edge of the iconic Hayman® Pool, Aqua takes poolside relaxation to new heights with easy-to-share seafood dishes, seasonal salad bowls and tropical classics including zesty ice pops, fresh juices and cocktails. panorama_69F94772_7319_44E3_41CF_34B58E58A906.subtitle = In partnership with Sodashi, Hayman® Spa seeks to nurture and celebrate each individual’s unique beauty with a bespoke invitation to travel deeper into relaxation. \

\ Delve into soothing massages and revitalizing clay wraps within Hayman® Spa’s 11 treatment rooms before sinking into Spa Oasis’s plunge pool and sauna. Transform with radiant, clear skin after a deep immersion facial. Glow from within after our expert spa team lead you in gemstone therapy. An elevated natural experience, Sodashi takes a holistic approach to beauty that transcends skincare, welcome a total experience that works to nurture the mind, body and spirit. panorama_69F97208_7319_5C2E_41D4_37D4EE776687.subtitle = In partnership with Sodashi, Hayman® Spa seeks to nurture and celebrate each individual’s unique beauty with a bespoke invitation to travel deeper into relaxation. \

\ Delve into soothing massages and revitalizing clay wraps within Hayman® Spa’s 11 treatment rooms before sinking into Spa Oasis’s plunge pool and sauna. Transform with radiant, clear skin after a deep immersion facial. Glow from within after our expert spa team lead you in gemstone therapy. An elevated natural experience, Sodashi takes a holistic approach to beauty that transcends skincare, welcome a total experience that works to nurture the mind, body and spirit. panorama_69FE6631_731A_C461_41C8_8D0190FD784E.subtitle = In partnership with Sodashi, Hayman® Spa seeks to nurture and celebrate each individual’s unique beauty with a bespoke invitation to travel deeper into relaxation. \

\ Delve into soothing massages and revitalizing clay wraps within Hayman® Spa’s 11 treatment rooms before sinking into Spa Oasis’s plunge pool and sauna. Transform with radiant, clear skin after a deep immersion facial. Glow from within after our expert spa team lead you in gemstone therapy. An elevated natural experience, Sodashi takes a holistic approach to beauty that transcends skincare, welcome a total experience that works to nurture the mind, body and spirit. panorama_69F6613A_731A_DC62_41DC_531E070A7487.subtitle = In partnership with Sodashi, Hayman® Spa seeks to nurture and celebrate each individual’s unique beauty with a bespoke invitation to travel deeper into relaxation. \

\ Delve into soothing massages and revitalizing clay wraps within Hayman® Spa’s 11 treatment rooms before sinking into Spa Oasis’s plunge pool and sauna. Transform with radiant, clear skin after a deep immersion facial. Glow from within after our expert spa team lead you in gemstone therapy. An elevated natural experience, Sodashi takes a holistic approach to beauty that transcends skincare, welcome a total experience that works to nurture the mind, body and spirit. panorama_69F1CD09_7319_442E_41D2_5AAA488B1747.subtitle = In partnership with Sodashi, Hayman® Spa seeks to nurture and celebrate each individual’s unique beauty with a bespoke invitation to travel deeper into relaxation. \

\ Delve into soothing massages and revitalizing clay wraps within Hayman® Spa’s 11 treatment rooms before sinking into Spa Oasis’s plunge pool and sauna. Transform with radiant, clear skin after a deep immersion facial. Glow from within after our expert spa team lead you in gemstone therapy. An elevated natural experience, Sodashi takes a holistic approach to beauty that transcends skincare, welcome a total experience that works to nurture the mind, body and spirit. panorama_585B7433_732F_C462_41CD_8FF94DF023DF.subtitle = In partnership with Sodashi, Hayman® Spa seeks to nurture and celebrate each individual’s unique beauty with a bespoke invitation to travel deeper into relaxation. \

\ Delve into soothing massages and revitalizing clay wraps within Hayman® Spa’s 11 treatment rooms before sinking into Spa Oasis’s plunge pool and sauna. Transform with radiant, clear skin after a deep immersion facial. Glow from within after our expert spa team lead you in gemstone therapy. An elevated natural experience, Sodashi takes a holistic approach to beauty that transcends skincare, welcome a total experience that works to nurture the mind, body and spirit. panorama_563FBC82_7339_C423_41D5_2366860672EE.subtitle = In partnership with Sodashi, Hayman® Spa seeks to nurture and celebrate each individual’s unique beauty with a bespoke invitation to travel deeper into relaxation. \

\ Delve into soothing massages and revitalizing clay wraps within Hayman® Spa’s 11 treatment rooms before sinking into Spa Oasis’s plunge pool and sauna. Transform with radiant, clear skin after a deep immersion facial. Glow from within after our expert spa team lead you in gemstone therapy. An elevated natural experience, Sodashi takes a holistic approach to beauty that transcends skincare, welcome a total experience that works to nurture the mind, body and spirit. panorama_69F65B3E_731A_CC62_41CA_042CF7E03AB6.subtitle = In partnership with Sodashi, Hayman® Spa seeks to nurture and celebrate each individual’s unique beauty with a bespoke invitation to travel deeper into relaxation. \

\ Delve into soothing massages and revitalizing clay wraps within Hayman® Spa’s 11 treatment rooms before sinking into Spa Oasis’s plunge pool and sauna. Transform with radiant, clear skin after a deep immersion facial. Glow from within after our expert spa team lead you in gemstone therapy. An elevated natural experience, Sodashi takes a holistic approach to beauty that transcends skincare, welcome a total experience that works to nurture the mind, body and spirit. panorama_6F955008_731A_DC2E_41D8_AE925B8A7481.subtitle = In partnership with Sodashi, Hayman® Spa seeks to nurture and celebrate each individual’s unique beauty with a bespoke invitation to travel deeper into relaxation. \

\ Delve into soothing massages and revitalizing clay wraps within Hayman® Spa’s 11 treatment rooms before sinking into Spa Oasis’s plunge pool and sauna. Transform with radiant, clear skin after a deep immersion facial. Glow from within after our expert spa team lead you in gemstone therapy. An elevated natural experience, Sodashi takes a holistic approach to beauty that transcends skincare, welcome a total experience that works to nurture the mind, body and spirit. panorama_4F898910_73FB_CC3E_41D2_884AF81B8094.subtitle = InterContinental Hayman Island Resort offers a range of exciting sport and recreational activities. The recreation centre is located behind the main resort building opposite the formal gardens with activities including tennis courts, squash courts, basketball, croquet, soccer, bocce, pool and foosball. panorama_4E635DEA_73FB_C7E3_41D9_9448312359B5.subtitle = InterContinental Hayman Island Resort offers a range of exciting sport and recreational activities. The recreation centre is located behind the main resort building opposite the formal gardens with activities including tennis courts, squash courts, basketball, croquet, soccer, bocce, pool and foosball. panorama_4E13614F_73FB_FC21_41CA_307D58E3B068.subtitle = InterContinental Hayman Island Resort offers a range of exciting sport and recreational activities. The recreation centre is located behind the main resort building opposite the formal gardens with activities including tennis courts, squash courts, basketball, croquet, soccer, bocce, pool and foosball. panorama_DDB72BCE_F6CA_78F9_41C0_2629B2DAF464.subtitle = InterContinental Planet Trekkers Kid's Club caters to little travellers aged 4-12 years old, presenting a fun-filled indoor playroom and a collection of education, destination-inspired experiences around the resort. Sessions are 3.5 hours in duration and are held morning (8:30am - 12pm), afternoon (1pm - 4:30pm) and evening (on demand with minimum 24 hours booking from 5pm - 8:30pm). panorama_C5E17561_F6DA_69A8_41C8_16ABF64BA97A.subtitle = InterContinental Planet Trekkers Kid's Club caters to little travellers aged 4-12 years old, presenting a fun-filled indoor playroom and a collection of education, destination-inspired experiences around the resort. Sessions are 3.5 hours in duration and are held morning (8:30am - 12pm), afternoon (1pm - 4:30pm) and evening (on demand with minimum 24 hours booking from 5pm - 8:30pm). panorama_D1FE5CAD_F6DA_18BB_41D0_17B04B9FCA69.subtitle = InterContinental Planet Trekkers Kid's Club caters to little travellers aged 4-12 years old, presenting a fun-filled indoor playroom and a collection of education, destination-inspired experiences around the resort. Sessions are 3.5 hours in duration and are held morning (8:30am - 12pm), afternoon (1pm - 4:30pm) and evening (on demand with minimum 24 hours booking from 5pm - 8:30pm). panorama_44D53757_7EC2_2171_41D7_0659EE4BEA4E.subtitle = Located across from Hayman® Spa, Hayman® Hair Salon is run by the award-winning hairstylist, Cherie Falco. Extend your self-care journey by drawing on Cherie’s expert cutting, colouring and styling finesse; or pamper yourself before romantic private dining moments, wedding celebrations or memorable events. \

\ Hayman® Hair Salon partners with Kevin Murphy’s eco-friendly colour and styling products. Derived from natural ingredients, products are free from sulphate, paraben, ammonia and ppd with full PETA approval and utilise recycled packaging from Ocean Waste Plastic. panorama_4DA78169_79FB_F14B_4189_C9C84211345A.subtitle = Located in the epicentre of Lion’s Court, Langford Room unlocks views across the Coral Sea with floor-to-ceiling windows. The venue’s 37X30m space allows for 300 guests and offers ultimate flexibility with state-of-the-art AV capability, as well as the option to transform into two separate, pillar-less rooms if required. panorama_2E36455C_7B09_9149_41DA_2A99A0FB348C.subtitle = Located in the resort’s Central Lanai, this venue offers a contemporary boardroom setting for 14 delegates. Immerse into business mode with state-of-the-art AV, air-conditioning and stationery. panorama_52CBF4BB_7908_F7CF_41D7_9F80586AEC47.subtitle = Located just off Arkhurst, this private dining venue for 16 is decked out with racks of vintage wines and ambient lighting. There is an option to adventure into commercial kitchen space with our chefs and be submerged into the action while engaging in a signature culinary masterclass. panorama_3C0152E8_7908_F349_41DA_C4BA89B5EF39.subtitle = Located just off Hayman Pool, this semi-private venue is ideal for themed events and makes a perfect wet weather option for up to 100 guests cocktail-style. panorama_21F02415_78FB_F6DB_4197_52B260D63B75.subtitle = Located just off Hayman Pool, this semi-private venue is ideal for themed events and makes a perfect wet weather option for up to 100 guests cocktail-style. panorama_2A3D60BB_684E_4998_41D6_925C57FDADFB.subtitle = Located on levels 2 and 3 of the resort, the One Bedroom Pool Ocean View Suite offers exquisite indoor and outdoor living spaces with views across the Hayman Pool and Coral Sea. Each residence offers light-filled open spaces which flow from each room to the next, starting with the open-plan living area and private double balcony. The private master bedroom features king bedding with the same hypnotic views, a separate master ensuite with bath, shower and double vanity, and an open-plan dressing room. \

\ 1 bedroom | 75sqm | 2 guests panorama_545B2CBA_68B6_3998_41AA_0C3E41EF692C.subtitle = Located on levels 2 and 3 of the resort, the One Bedroom Pool Ocean View Suite offers exquisite indoor and outdoor living spaces with views across the Hayman Pool and Coral Sea. Each residence offers light-filled open spaces which flow from each room to the next, starting with the open-plan living area and private double balcony. The private master bedroom features king bedding with the same hypnotic views, a separate master ensuite with bath, shower and double vanity, and an open-plan dressing room. \

\ 1 bedroom | 75sqm | 2 guests panorama_79180378_63C9_F193_4196_218B15DBEE2E.subtitle = Located on levels 2 and 3 of the resort, the One Bedroom Pool Ocean View Suite offers exquisite indoor and outdoor living spaces with views across the Hayman Pool and Coral Sea. Each residence offers light-filled open spaces which flow from each room to the next, starting with the open-plan living area and private double balcony. The private master bedroom features king bedding with the same hypnotic views, a separate master ensuite with bath, shower and double vanity, and an open-plan dressing room. \

\ 1 bedroom | 75sqm | 2 guests panorama_B95A3FDC_AB9F_1D1E_41E4_08296573370C.subtitle = Located outside Langford Room, Langford Lawn is the perfect venue for break-out sessions, culinary moments and teambuilding exercises. Looking over Hayman Island’s beachfront, delegates will feel immersed in Whitsunday surrounds. panorama_2DD65923_685E_D8A8_41D6_995EDCD9A055.subtitle = Located within the lush surrounds of the Lagoon Wing, luxury living comes to life within the contemporary interiors of the Two Bedroom Hayman Suite. \

\ 2 bedrooms | 160sqm | 5 guests panorama_4ADD6273_55E1_F2CD_41D5_19A7747E4DCE.subtitle = Located within the lush surrounds of the Lagoon Wing, luxury living comes to life within the contemporary interiors of the Two Bedroom Hayman Suite. \

\ 2 bedrooms | 160sqm | 5 guests panorama_2A110B51_685E_38E8_41C8_72C662B1F78E.subtitle = Located within the lush surrounds of the Lagoon Wing, luxury living comes to life within the contemporary interiors of the Two Bedroom Hayman Suite. \

\ 2 bedrooms | 160sqm | 5 guests panorama_287E5B9B_685F_FF98_41D1_B797BEC895FA.subtitle = Located within the lush surrounds of the Lagoon Wing, luxury living comes to life within the contemporary interiors of the Two Bedroom Hayman Suite. \

\ 2 bedrooms | 160sqm | 5 guests panorama_4ACEBE85_55E1_B255_41CD_D6BD3D87C537.subtitle = Located within the lush surrounds of the Lagoon Wing, luxury living comes to life within the contemporary interiors of the Two Bedroom Hayman Suite. \

\ 2 bedrooms | 160sqm | 5 guests panorama_5090EF5B_6BCE_7898_41B8_D6885B2A82C4.subtitle = Located within the lush surrounds of the Lagoon Wing, luxury living comes to life within the contemporary interiors of the Two Bedroom Hayman Suite. \

\ 2 bedrooms | 160sqm | 5 guests panorama_96DDC03C_827E_443E_41C3_A2B060C52A2A.subtitle = Looking back across the resort and the Whitsunday Passage, this outdoor venue is surrounded with swaying palm trees and expanses of green grass for you to activate as you like. panorama_F467C0C8_6758_90F3_41CD_3CD0417C051C.subtitle = Looking back across the resort and the Whitsunday Passage, this outdoor venue is surrounded with swaying palm trees and expanses of green grass for you to activate as you like. panorama_56F07047_6BD6_C8E8_41CE_EAF13BD7E75E.subtitle = Luxury island living is reimagined with one of the resort’s most iconic experiences: the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite. This residence offers direct swim-out access from your private double balcony into the Hayman Pool, providing an unrivalled sense of relaxation. Newly-transformed interiors boast floor-to-ceiling windows creating bright living spaces and soft coastal hues in the lounge area. The master bedroom features king bedding, an open-plan dressing room and contemporary ensuite with separate shower, bath tub and luxury amenities. Please note: guests 12 years and under are not permitted to stay in the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite due to Queensland pool safety regulations. \

\ 1 bedroom | 75sqm | 2 guests panorama_280CE761_6856_C8A8_41C8_A750F436E828.subtitle = Luxury island living is reimagined with one of the resort’s most iconic experiences: the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite. This residence offers direct swim-out access from your private double balcony into the Hayman Pool, providing an unrivalled sense of relaxation. Newly-transformed interiors boast floor-to-ceiling windows creating bright living spaces and soft coastal hues in the lounge area. The master bedroom features king bedding, an open-plan dressing room and contemporary ensuite with separate shower, bath tub and luxury amenities. Please note: guests 12 years and under are not permitted to stay in the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite due to Queensland pool safety regulations. \

\ 1 bedroom | 75sqm | 2 guests panorama_71445753_6339_9195_41D1_5CB384AE285A.subtitle = Luxury island living is reimagined with one of the resort’s most iconic experiences: the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite. This residence offers direct swim-out access from your private double balcony into the Hayman Pool, providing an unrivalled sense of relaxation. Newly-transformed interiors boast floor-to-ceiling windows creating bright living spaces and soft coastal hues in the lounge area. The master bedroom features king bedding, an open-plan dressing room and contemporary ensuite with separate shower, bath tub and luxury amenities. Please note: guests 12 years and under are not permitted to stay in the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite due to Queensland pool safety regulations. \

\ 1 bedroom | 75sqm | 2 guests panorama_49ACB84F_7E47_EF51_41D9_BC2520855367.subtitle = Master your swing with InterContinental Hayman Island Resort’s state-of-the-art indoor golf simulator. Players can perfect their game with unparalleled accuracy and realism, measuring ball direction, speed, spin and launch angle in three dimensions. panorama_9AD810CD_8276_445E_41D0_8313C048CE54.subtitle = Mediterranean influence \
\ Set against lush greenery and inspired interiors we welcome guests into the warmth of Mediterranean cuisine with a wood-fire pizza oven and theatrical chefs plating up dishes before your eyes. Spark warm connections with generous share plates of handmade pasta, Australian varietal wines and a dedicated kids menu. panorama_63D7E597_6D95_F16A_41C7_0008A2AF86EA.subtitle = Mediterranean influence \
\ Set against lush greenery and inspired interiors we welcome guests into the warmth of Mediterranean cuisine with a wood-fire pizza oven and theatrical chefs plating up dishes before your eyes. Spark warm connections with generous share plates of handmade pasta, Australian varietal wines and a dedicated kids menu. panorama_63D8B98E_6D96_517A_41A1_D1683A369750.subtitle = Mediterranean influence \
\ Set against lush greenery and inspired interiors we welcome guests into the warmth of Mediterranean cuisine with a wood-fire pizza oven and theatrical chefs plating up dishes before your eyes. Spark warm connections with generous share plates of handmade pasta, Australian varietal wines and a dedicated kids menu. panorama_95A1C4A5_8272_4CC9_41D6_5902DC0E96D6.subtitle = Mediterranean influence \
\ Set against lush greenery and inspired interiors we welcome guests into the warmth of Mediterranean cuisine with a wood-fire pizza oven and theatrical chefs plating up dishes before your eyes. Spark warm connections with generous share plates of handmade pasta, Australian varietal wines and a dedicated kids menu. panorama_4E729F21_7E46_62D1_41DC_6DF255BBDF96.subtitle = Mediterranean influence \
\ Set against lush greenery and inspired interiors we welcome guests into the warmth of Mediterranean cuisine with a wood-fire pizza oven and theatrical chefs plating up dishes before your eyes. Spark warm connections with generous share plates of handmade pasta, Australian varietal wines and a dedicated kids menu. panorama_463DBE5D_6E7D_D39F_41CA_2114A398EE7F.subtitle = Modern Australian \
\ The resort’s signature restaurant and bar, Pacific, takes you from morning to evening with an effortless transition from gourmet breakfast buffets to a sophisticated a la carte menu and bar in the evening. On Tuesday and Friday evenings from 6:00-9:00pm, indulge in a premium seafood buffet selection while immersing in Coral Sea vistas. \

\ *Please note that Pacific’s à la carte menu is unavailable on Tuesday and Friday evenings while our Flavours of Pacific premium buffet is on offer. panorama_463D28B2_6E7A_30AA_41C4_CB1C45E06F67.subtitle = Modern Australian \
\ The resort’s signature restaurant and bar, Pacific, takes you from morning to evening with an effortless transition from gourmet breakfast buffets to a sophisticated a la carte menu and bar in the evening. On Tuesday and Friday evenings from 6:00-9:00pm, indulge in a premium seafood buffet selection while immersing in Coral Sea vistas. \

\ *Please note that Pacific’s à la carte menu is unavailable on Tuesday and Friday evenings while our Flavours of Pacific premium buffet is on offer. panorama_463B3D47_6E7A_51EB_41B0_26719008FFA5.subtitle = Modern Australian \
\ The resort’s signature restaurant and bar, Pacific, takes you from morning to evening with an effortless transition from gourmet breakfast buffets to a sophisticated a la carte menu and bar in the evening. On Tuesday and Friday evenings from 6:00-9:00pm, indulge in a premium seafood buffet selection while immersing in Coral Sea vistas. \

\ *Please note that Pacific’s à la carte menu is unavailable on Tuesday and Friday evenings while our Flavours of Pacific premium buffet is on offer. panorama_4633022C_6E7A_53BE_41D9_8153F85C4741.subtitle = Modern Australian \
\ The resort’s signature restaurant and bar, Pacific, takes you from morning to evening with an effortless transition from gourmet breakfast buffets to a sophisticated a la carte menu and bar in the evening. On Tuesday and Friday evenings from 6:00-9:00pm, indulge in a premium seafood buffet selection while immersing in Coral Sea vistas. \

\ *Please note that Pacific’s à la carte menu is unavailable on Tuesday and Friday evenings while our Flavours of Pacific premium buffet is on offer. panorama_9F4BF320_8391_C5C6_41D0_D8BD782DA3B1.subtitle = Modern Australian \
\ The resort’s signature restaurant and bar, Pacific, takes you from morning to evening with an effortless transition from gourmet breakfast buffets to a sophisticated a la carte menu and bar in the evening. On Tuesday and Friday evenings from 6:00-9:00pm, indulge in a premium seafood buffet selection while immersing in Coral Sea vistas. \

\ *Please note that Pacific’s à la carte menu is unavailable on Tuesday and Friday evenings while our Flavours of Pacific premium buffet is on offer. panorama_5DBB9622_6EEA_53AA_41C2_3AE4FBEE851A.subtitle = Modern Australian \
\ The resort’s signature restaurant and bar, Pacific, takes you from morning to evening with an effortless transition from gourmet breakfast buffets to a sophisticated a la carte menu and bar in the evening. On Tuesday and Friday evenings from 6:00-9:00pm, indulge in a premium seafood buffet selection while immersing in Coral Sea vistas. \

\ *Please note that Pacific’s à la carte menu is unavailable on Tuesday and Friday evenings while our Flavours of Pacific premium buffet is on offer. panorama_63558487_7504_5A09_41CA_D17C890FCF99.subtitle = Once you arrive to Hayman Island, one of our friendly team members will meet you at the marina to take you through a smooth check-in process. panorama_5EACB014_6EF6_2F6E_41D5_66E72C25879A.subtitle = Our Chefs present an extraordinary collection of private dining experiences across Hayman Island’s most stunning indoor and outdoor venues panorama_5EAD6BDC_6EF6_309E_41B5_4E159D90DE1E.subtitle = Our Chefs present an extraordinary collection of private dining experiences across Hayman Island’s most stunning indoor and outdoor venues, including the Hayman Pool Cabanas. panorama_EBED303F_AD9F_031A_41D0_D5370822587B.subtitle = Our Chefs present an extraordinary collection of private dining experiences across Hayman Island’s most stunning indoor and outdoor venues. panorama_491BF53D_7E42_6136_41C9_B4A449311E29.subtitle = Our partner Ocean Dynamics' suite of signature by-water experiences include Whitehaven Beach & Hill Inlet tours, Sea Scooter Underwater Tours, guided jet ski adventures, Great Barrier Reef diving experiences, private charters and more. panorama_5E81715A_784F_8110_41DC_BB530F7D631B.subtitle = Our partner Ocean Dynamics' suite of signature by-water experiences include Whitehaven Beach & Hill Inlet tours, Sea Scooter Underwater Tours, guided jet ski adventures, Great Barrier Reef diving experiences, private charters and more. panorama_99DABF45_AC97_3D6E_41E5_6B480C79F129.subtitle = Our partner Ocean Dynamics' suite of signature by-water experiences include Whitehaven Beach & Hill Inlet tours, Sea Scooter Underwater Tours, guided jet ski adventures, Great Barrier Reef diving experiences, private charters and more. panorama_54DD10F9_7848_7F10_41C5_B06F54666039.subtitle = Our partner Ocean Dynamics' suite of signature by-water experiences include Whitehaven Beach & Hill Inlet tours, Sea Scooter Underwater Tours, guided jet ski adventures, Great Barrier Reef diving experiences, private charters and more. panorama_3B12DD68_7E46_215F_41BD_477794C0E34A.subtitle = Our state-of-the-art fitness facilities offer personal training and classes including pilates, yoga, boxing and more. Each guest will receive complimentary access to facilities upon check-in; your fitness and wellness journey doesn't need to stop once you arrive to the island. panorama_5ED67DC7_732A_C422_41D9_BE478DD16602.subtitle = Our state-of-the-art fitness facilities offer personal training and classes including pilates, yoga, boxing and more. Each guest will receive complimentary access to facilities upon check-in; your fitness and wellness journey doesn't need to stop once you arrive to the island. panorama_40C65B9E_732A_CC22_41D8_410D5AE80472.subtitle = Our state-of-the-art fitness facilities offer personal training and classes including pilates, yoga, boxing and more. Each guest will receive complimentary access to facilities upon check-in; your fitness and wellness journey doesn't need to stop once you arrive to the island. panorama_5ECC17D3_732A_C422_41D8_C95A52AE648D.subtitle = Our state-of-the-art fitness facilities offer personal training and classes including pilates, yoga, boxing and more. Each guest will receive complimentary access to facilities upon check-in; your fitness and wellness journey doesn't need to stop once you arrive to the island. panorama_E0A0629E_AFF5_071B_41B2_2DB9FCECC7E8.subtitle = Overlooking the Hayman Lagoon or tropical gardens, the Lagoon Rooms offer serenity and spaciousness on levels 1, 2 or 3 of the resort. Offering soft finishes and luxury amenities, you will retreat into an open-plan residence offering king or twin bedding, separate dressing room and private balcony. Luxury spills into a contemporary ensuite complete with a double vanity, shower and separate bath tub. Disability accessible room is available on request. Adjoining rooms are subject to availability upon request. Third child guest to utilise a pull-out single sofa bed. \

\ 1 bedroom | 54sqm | 2 adults + 1 child up to 12 years panorama_52BD6D75_6876_F8AB_41D6_DE8A2D9405B2.subtitle = Overlooking the Hayman Lagoon or tropical gardens, the Lagoon Rooms offer serenity and spaciousness on levels 1, 2 or 3 of the resort. Offering soft finishes and luxury amenities, you will retreat into an open-plan residence offering king or twin bedding, separate dressing room and private balcony. Luxury spills into a contemporary ensuite complete with a double vanity, shower and separate bath tub. Disability accessible room is available on request. Adjoining rooms are subject to availability upon request. Third child guest to utilise a pull-out single sofa bed. \

\ 1 bedroom | 54sqm | 2 adults + 1 child up to 12 years panorama_5EC725C7_4A3E_D550_41C1_104CC7EB6543.subtitle = Overlooking the Hayman Lagoon or tropical gardens, the Lagoon Rooms offer serenity and spaciousness on levels 1, 2 or 3 of the resort. Offering soft finishes and luxury amenities, you will retreat into an open-plan residence offering king or twin bedding, separate dressing room and private balcony. Luxury spills into a contemporary ensuite complete with a double vanity, shower and separate bath tub. Disability accessible room is available on request. Adjoining rooms are subject to availability upon request. Third child guest to utilise a pull-out single sofa bed. \

\ 1 bedroom | 54sqm | 2 adults + 1 child up to 12 years panorama_5D5C6AFB_4EF6_655B_41D1_AA5FFEF0C353.subtitle = Overlooking the Hayman Lagoon or tropical gardens, the Lagoon Rooms offer serenity and spaciousness on levels 1, 2 or 3 of the resort. Offering soft finishes and luxury amenities, you will retreat into an open-plan residence offering king or twin bedding, separate dressing room and private balcony. Luxury spills into a contemporary ensuite complete with a double vanity, shower and separate bath tub. Disability accessible room is available on request. Adjoining rooms are subject to availability upon request. Third child guest to utilise a pull-out single sofa bed. \

\ 1 bedroom | 54sqm | 2 adults + 1 child up to 12 years panorama_512EC4E9_684A_C9B8_41CE_65167A9EDF2C.subtitle = Overlooking the Hayman Lagoon or tropical gardens, the Lagoon Rooms offer serenity and spaciousness on levels 1, 2 or 3 of the resort. Offering soft finishes and luxury amenities, you will retreat into an open-plan residence offering king or twin bedding, separate dressing room and private balcony. Luxury spills into a contemporary ensuite complete with a double vanity, shower and separate bath tub. Disability accessible room is available on request. Adjoining rooms are subject to availability upon request. Third child guest to utilise a pull-out single sofa bed. \

\ 1 bedroom | 54sqm | 2 adults + 1 child up to 12 years panorama_554AFDA7_684A_FBA8_41B3_536576FC269D.subtitle = Overlooking the Hayman Lagoon or tropical gardens, the Lagoon Rooms offer serenity and spaciousness on levels 1, 2 or 3 of the resort. Offering soft finishes and luxury amenities, you will retreat into an open-plan residence offering king or twin bedding, separate dressing room and private balcony. Luxury spills into a contemporary ensuite complete with a double vanity, shower and separate bath tub. Disability accessible room is available on request. Adjoining rooms are subject to availability upon request. Third child guest to utilise a pull-out single sofa bed. \

\ 1 bedroom | 54sqm | 2 adults + 1 child up to 12 years panorama_51A47BB3_4F51_9BEB_41AE_3F97FA450936.subtitle = Overlooking the Hayman Lagoon or tropical gardens, the Lagoon Rooms offer serenity and spaciousness on levels 1, 2 or 3 of the resort. Offering soft finishes and luxury amenities, you will retreat into an open-plan residence offering king or twin bedding, separate dressing room and private balcony. Luxury spills into a contemporary ensuite complete with a double vanity, shower and separate bath tub. Disability accessible room is available on request. Adjoining rooms are subject to availability upon request. Third child guest to utilise a pull-out single sofa bed. \

\ 1 bedroom | 54sqm | 2 adults + 1 child up to 12 years panorama_5B4FE8F3_7878_8F10_41A6_D816A8C0D61C.subtitle = Private wedding chapel with breathtaking views across the Coral Sea and Whitsunday Islands panorama_63598476_72EE_C4E2_41CC_550AB8A1D5D8.subtitle = Retail destination \

\ The resort’s Hamptons-style retail hub and casual daytime eatery, Grove Boutique & Café is a mecca of luxury retail brands, souvenirs, holiday essentials and relaxed barista crafted Vittoria Coffee. panorama_620C780E_72EA_CC23_419D_7E43C5D82119.subtitle = Retail destination \

\ The resort’s Hamptons-style retail hub and casual daytime eatery, Grove Boutique & Café is a mecca of luxury retail brands, souvenirs, holiday essentials and relaxed barista crafted Vittoria Coffee. panorama_50340219_7E7E_E2F1_41D1_AABA4C35993E.subtitle = Retail destination \

\ The resort’s Hamptons-style retail hub and casual daytime eatery, Grove Boutique & Café is a mecca of luxury retail brands, souvenirs, holiday essentials and relaxed barista crafted Vittoria Coffee. panorama_498851E6_63D8_90BF_418B_9490F0787488.subtitle = Serene relaxation awaits with the collection of 16 Retreat Rooms. Located in the Beach Wing of the resort, each room has been designed to offer a rare sense of escapism, accentuating the natural surrounds with a tranquil outdoor shower and private courtyard. The open-plan residence features a light-filled living area, king bedding and master bathroom with separate shower and bath tub. The child guest is accommodated on the room's day bed which can be made up as an additional bed. Note: this is not a full size bed so is limited to children up to 12 years old. \

\ 1 bedroom | 38sqm | 2 adults + 1 child up to 12 yrs panorama_44D68C3C_63D8_9792_41C1_CD4A4DA39CC1.subtitle = Serene relaxation awaits with the collection of 16 Retreat Rooms. Located in the Beach Wing of the resort, each room has been designed to offer a rare sense of escapism, accentuating the natural surrounds with a tranquil outdoor shower and private courtyard. The open-plan residence features a light-filled living area, king bedding and master bathroom with separate shower and bath tub. The child guest is accommodated on the room's day bed which can be made up as an additional bed. Note: this is not a full size bed so is limited to children up to 12 years old. \

\ 1 bedroom | 38sqm | 2 adults + 1 child up to 12 yrs panorama_34359366_78FF_9179_41C1_50C9BCB84AED.subtitle = Set amongst tropical surrounds, while remaining undercover, Lagoon Lanai provides the perfect wet weather option for groups of up to 150. A flowing rainforest waterfall, signature white staircases and ample space set the scene for working lunches, large-scale dinners or cocktail parties under the stars. panorama_B94AC69A_AB93_0F1B_41D8_FFF8C20C93F6.subtitle = Set opposite Infinity Pool, treat groups to Bam Bam’s Pan-Asian style canapes and zesty cocktails while watching the sunset across Hayman Island’s beachfront. This is the perfect outdoor venue for mixed seating cocktail events, team-building exercises and more. panorama_94D0C9B6_8292_44CB_41D7_CA9F95FF9CC8.subtitle = Sitting just beneath the summit of the hilltop with an infinite view of tree-lined shores, white sand and lush foliage, this traditional chapel setting is charming and timeless for your wedding ceremony. panorama_52F139DF_684E_3B98_41B3_CB80BCC52078.subtitle = Spaciousness and seclusion meet in the Lagoon King Suite collection. Enjoy generous retreats with open-plan living and unique island vistas. \

\ 1 bedroom | 90sqm | 3 guests panorama_5B08B662_4EF7_AD65_41D1_7F509917B43F.subtitle = Spaciousness and seclusion meet in the Lagoon King Suite collection. Enjoy generous retreats with open-plan living and unique island vistas. \

\ 1 bedroom | 90sqm | 3 guests panorama_57186608_6BCA_4878_41D7_A2B95AA656AA.subtitle = Spaciousness and seclusion meet in the Lagoon King Suite collection. Enjoy generous retreats with open-plan living and unique island vistas. \

\ 1 bedroom | 90sqm | 3 guests panorama_5A92B156_4EF7_E4AD_41BA_CCFDD3937C80.subtitle = Spaciousness and seclusion meet in the Lagoon King Suite collection. Enjoy generous retreats with open-plan living and unique island vistas. \

\ 1 bedroom | 90sqm | 3 guests panorama_BA4C6F21_AB9D_3D26_41DA_F14E54355A33.subtitle = Take in the breathtaking aerial view of the surrounding Whitsunday Islands and fringing reefs from above with group experiences and private tours available panorama_4101908A_69BE_4878_41D8_87C1C065022F.subtitle = The iconic Hayman Pool takes poolside relaxation to new heights with Aqua Bar perched on the edge of the pool, and offers direct room access from the Pool Wing.  panorama_64A7A859_78C8_8F11_41D8_69A6889F87F9.subtitle = The main beach access point is a popular sunset viewing spot . panorama_5311B2CD_791F_9348_41AA_E654E3D1056F.subtitle = The trail sees guests hike around the perimeter of the island via Blue Pearl Bay, Dolphin Point and Butterfly Grove which reveal breathtaking views across the vast Whitsunday Islands. panorama_62ADFF0A_7937_92C9_41BB_1B52EEF602B8.subtitle = There is a wide choice of immersive experiences and activities available at InterContinental Hayman Island Resort to make your stay truly memorable. To enquire please call +07 5501 9992 or visit us in the Adventure Lounge in the Central Lanai. panorama_63505DC4_7858_8170_41BA_AAF0692158F8.subtitle = Tucked in between Hayman Beach and Coconut Grove, this private, adults-only location is perfect for an array of team-building activities or dining experiences. Please note that this venue is subject to tides. panorama_61E7A6A2_77C8_8330_41D1_BFFE00B9D6D6.subtitle = Tucked in between Hayman Beach and Coconut Grove, this private, adults-only location is perfect for an array of team-building activities or dining experiences. Please note that this venue is subject to tides. panorama_4CBE5643_79F8_B2BF_41DE_32022028C80E.subtitle = Uncover a private dining platform nestled amidst stunning tropical garden surrounds, the perfect location for an intimate group lunch or dinner for up to 40 guests. Solar powered AV lighting lines the deck, while lush greenery opens out onto Lion Court’s stunning open-air lagoon. panorama_44223E22_7EC2_62D3_41B2_6E7EF988C5A1.subtitle = Uncover a private dining platform nestled amidst stunning tropical garden surrounds, the perfect location for an intimate group lunch or dinner for up to 40 guests. Solar powered AV lighting lines the deck, while lush greenery opens out onto Lion Court’s stunning open-air lagoon. panorama_821DB384_9E56_87EA_41E1_D065F80E385E.subtitle = Venture out at your own pace with a range of sea kayaks, stand up paddleboards, non-motorised catamarans and windsurfers available at your leisure from Hayman Beach. panorama_9C9F6C19_ACAD_0319_41E4_F4692078E333.subtitle = With pristine sands at your feet, soak up stunning views across the Whitsundays in this exquisite beach setting. Please note that this venue is subject to tides. panorama_9B5BE5C7_AC73_0D69_41D8_795FA6171BF3.subtitle = magnificent pool that is a key feature to the Hayman Island Resort. The pool is equal in size to 7 Olympic sized pools, the largest in the southern hemisphere and forms part of the pool wing where visitors staying in the pool rooms can have direct access to the pool. panorama_414C9BB9_69BA_7F98_41D6_FD848EBF6C43.subtitle = magnificent pool that is a key feature to the Hayman Island Resort. The pool is equal in size to 7 Olympic sized pools, the largest in the southern hemisphere and forms part of the pool wing where visitors staying in the pool rooms can have direct access to the pool. panorama_5B44C4F3_6EF6_D0AA_41D4_89078AE35434.subtitle = magnificent pool that is a key feature to the Hayman Island Resort. The pool is equal in size to 7 Olympic sized pools, the largest in the southern hemisphere and forms part of the pool wing where visitors staying in the pool rooms can have direct access to the pool. panorama_9B918AD2_AC97_076B_4186_0F76718B5974.subtitle = magnificent pool that is a key feature to the Hayman Island Resort. The pool is equal in size to 7 Olympic sized pools, the largest in the southern hemisphere and forms part of the pool wing where visitors staying in the pool rooms can have direct access to the pool. ### Title video_5856D3B2_685D_CFA8_41CC_8AA97FC30B43.label = 1463111297 panorama_62ADFF0A_7937_92C9_41BB_1B52EEF602B8.label = ADVENTURE_LOUNGE panorama_DF7B2098_FACE_8190_41C3_08B566D16AB8.label = AERIAL RESORT MAP panorama_95A1C4A5_8272_4CC9_41D6_5902DC0E96D6.label = AMICI panorama_63D7E597_6D95_F16A_41C7_0008A2AF86EA.label = AMICI panorama_9AD810CD_8276_445E_41D0_8313C048CE54.label = AMICI panorama_4E729F21_7E46_62D1_41DC_6DF255BBDF96.label = AMICI_ panorama_63D8B98E_6D96_517A_41A1_D1683A369750.label = AMICI_ panorama_63BCADCD_6D96_70FE_41D7_94B03AD98EC4.label = AMICI_GARDENS panorama_53F07DCA_7E4E_2153_41AB_7871F9624119.label = AQUA_ panorama_509AE096_7908_EFD9_41DA_29615E41C298.label = ARKHURST_ panorama_A9A92A3F_83F6_C439_41E0_6054DBABC90D.label = ARKHURST_LAGOON 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If you have any questions or comments, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

InterContinental Hayman Island Resort
1 Raintree Avenue
Hayman Island Queensland 4801

General Enquiries:
Phone Number: +617 4940 1234

Phone Number: +617 5501 9992

Toll Free Australia: 1800 007 697

Toll Free International: 1 800 781 066

Email: hayman.reservations@ihg.com

Meetings & Events
Email: Hayman.sales@ihg.com

Email: Hayman.weddings@ihg.com
HTMLText_0B1CF751_121B_B3B2_41AA_8DF6E24BB6F1_mobile.html =
A new era of immersive luxury in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef.

InterContinental Hayman Island Resort will immerse you in the breathtaking beauty of the Whitsundays, iconic private island experiences and sacred moments of connection with your family, friends and yourself. Discover a place of visual and visceral beauty so deep, it will leave you feeling transformed.

Nestled at the northernmost point of the stunning Whitsundays, Australia's most iconic private island resort redefines luxury island living with 168 beautifully-appointed rooms, suites and villas artfully intertwined with spectacular pools, panoramic seascapes and tropical gardens. Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities

Designed to capture the essence of connectivity and the heart of Queensland’s local flavour; discover a collection of five distinct dining experiences on Hayman Island. Each unique destination on island is brought to life with extraordinary attention to our guests’ sensory experience.

Australia’s most iconic private island resort redefines luxury entertaining whether it be small meetings of 10 or large sole-use conferences for 300. Discover the inspiration and expertise to make your event incredible with stunning venues, locally-sourced banquet menus and destination-inspired teambuilding experiences in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef.
HTMLText_4E1868EB_7E43_EF51_41DD_5EA2A23AAB8C_mobile.html =
Designed to capture the essence of connectivity and the heart of Queensland’s local flavour; discover a collection of six distinct dining experiences on Hayman Island. Each unique destination on island is brought to life with extraordinary attention to our guests’ sensory experience.

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Discover the inspiration and expertise to make your meeting, incentive or special event unforgettable with a selection of 15 indoor and outdoor spaces across Hayman Island, innovative event catering opportunities and an Insider Collection that takes inspiration from the resort's Whitsundays location.
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Enter into a world of destination-inspired activity during your stay on Hayman Island. Each experience - both on island and off - delivers a meaningful connection to Australia's most picturesque surrounds; where diving the Great Barrier Reef, venturing out on tropical hikes and sailing the Coral Sea are but the beginning.

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Hayman® Spa seeks to nurture and celebrate each individual’s unique beauty with a bespoke invitation to travel deeper into relaxation. Hayman® Hair Salon is run by the award-winning hairstylist, Cherie Falco. Extend your self-care journey by drawing on Cherie’s expert cutting, colouring and styling finesse.

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Home to the resort's halo residence, The Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House, Beach Wing unlocks eight exclusive beachfront villas and a bespoke collection of botanic-inspired retreats.
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Located on the Eastern side of the resort, Lagoon Wing envelopes you in garden vistas, lily-padded inlets and direct access to family-friendly Infinity Pool.

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Luxury island accommodation is born with 168 beautifully-appointed rooms, suites and villas spread across three distinct wings: Beach Wing, Pool Wing and Lagoon Wing.
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Perched over the iconic Hayman Pool, an exclusive collection of suites offer direct swim-out access or views across the breathtaking Coral Sea.
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If you have any questions or comments, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

InterContinental Hayman Island Resort
1 Raintree Avenue
Hayman Island Queensland 4801

General Enquiries:
Phone Number: +617 4940 1234

Phone Number: +617 5501 9992

Toll Free Australia: 1800 007 697

Toll Free International: 1 800 781 066

Email: hayman.reservations@ihg.com

Meetings & Events
Email: Hayman.sales@ihg.com

Email: Hayman.weddings@ihg.com
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Discover a collection of six distinct dining experiences and an extraordinary range of private dining options on Hayman Island.

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Home to the resort's halo residence, The Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House, Beach Wing unlocks eight exclusive beachfront villas and a bespoke collection of botanic-inspired retreats.
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In an absolute beach front position, the 12 new Pavilions offer the ultimate in island seclusion and luxury. With their own private plunge pool and terraced deck, the Pavilions are perfect suited for an adults only retreat.
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Luxury island accommodation is born with 168 beautifully-appointed rooms, suites and villas spread across three distinct wings: Beach Wing, Pool Wing and Lagoon Wing.
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Perched over the iconic Hayman Pool, an exclusive collection of suites offer direct swim-out access or views across the breathtaking Coral Sea.
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Luxury island accommodation is born with 168 beautifully-appointed rooms, suites and villas spread across three distinct wings: Beach Wing, Pool Wing and Lagoon Wing.
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Discover the inspiration and expertise to make your meeting, incentive or special event unforgettable with a selection of 15 indoor and outdoor spaces across Hayman Island, innovative event catering opportunities and an Insider Collection that takes inspiration from the resort's Whitsundays location.
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Enter into a world of destination-inspired activity during your stay on Hayman Island. Each experience - both on island and off - delivers a meaningful connection to Australia's most picturesque surrounds; where diving the Great Barrier Reef, venturing out on tropical hikes and sailing the Coral Sea are but the beginning.

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Hayman® Spa seeks to nurture and celebrate each individual’s unique beauty with a bespoke invitation to travel deeper into relaxation. Hayman® Hair Salon is run by the award-winning hairstylist, Cherie Falco. Extend your self-care journey by drawing on Cherie’s expert cutting, colouring and styling finesse.

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Located on the Eastern side of the resort, Lagoon Wing envelopes you in garden vistas, lily-padded inlets and direct access to family-friendly Infinity Pool.

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The virtual tour experience allows users to immersively navigate Hayman Island Resort from any PC or mobile device.


• On PC/MAC click on 'hotspots' and menus using your left mouse button.
• With mobile devices like tablets or smartphones use your finger to touch the screen.
• To Zoom click on the '+' or '-' buttons or use your mouse wheel (PC) or pinch (Mobile).
• To look around while in a virtual tour click/touch, hold and drag the screen.
• To move in a virtual tour click/touch the animated arrow buttons on the screen.

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A new era of immersive luxury in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef.

InterContinental Hayman Island Resort will immerse you in the breathtaking beauty of the Whitsundays, iconic private island experiences and sacred moments of connection with your family, friends and yourself. Discover a place of visual and visceral beauty so deep, it will leave you feeling transformed.

Nestled at the northernmost point of the stunning Whitsundays, Australia's most iconic private island resort redefines luxury island living with 168 beautifully-appointed rooms, suites and villas artfully intertwined with spectacular pools, panoramic seascapes and tropical gardens. Discover the epitome of luxury living with two bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities

Designed to capture the essence of connectivity and the heart of Queensland’s local flavour; discover a collection of five distinct dining experiences on Hayman Island. Each unique destination on island is brought to life with extraordinary attention to our guests’ sensory experience.

Australia’s most iconic private island resort redefines luxury entertaining whether it be small meetings of 10 or large sole-use conferences for 300. Discover the inspiration and expertise to make your event incredible with stunning venues, locally-sourced banquet menus and destination-inspired teambuilding experiences in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef.
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Immersive Virtual Tour Experience

The virtual tour experience allows users to immersively navigate Hayman Island Resort from any PC or mobile device.


• On PC/MAC click on 'hotspots' and menus using your left mouse button.
• With mobile devices like tablets or smartphones use your finger to touch the screen.
• To Zoom click on the '+' or '-' buttons or use your mouse wheel (PC) or pinch (Mobile).
• To look around while in a virtual tour click/touch, hold and drag the screen.
• To move in a virtual tour click/touch the animated arrow buttons on the screen.

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(Accessibile). Located on levels 2 and 3 of the resort, the One Bedroom Pool Ocean View Suite offers exquisite indoor and outdoor living spaces with views across the Hayman Pool and Coral Sea. Each residence offers light-filled open spaces which flow from each room to the next, starting with the open-plan living area and private double balcony. The private master bedroom features king bedding with the same hypnotic views, a separate master ensuite with bath, shower and double vanity, and an open-plan dressing room.

1 bedroom | 75sqm | 2 guests
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Mediterranean influence

Set against lush greenery and inspired interiors we welcome guests into the warmth of Mediterranean cuisine with a wood-fire pizza oven and theatrical chefs plating up dishes before your eyes. Spark warm connections with generous share plates of handmade pasta, Australian varietal wines and a dedicated kids menu.

Reserve a table at Amici
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Bold Pan-Asian Flavour

Located beside Infinity Pool, Bam Bam serves up zesty Pan-Asian food infused with a fresh Australian twist. Immerse in poolside bliss while infusing the senses in a signature Pac Man cocktail and wok-tossed noodles.
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Bold Pan-Asian Flavour

Located beside Infinity Pool, Bam Bam serves up zesty Pan-Asian food infused with a fresh Australian twist. Immerse in poolside bliss while infusing the senses in a signature Pac Man cocktail and wok-tossed noodles.
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Hayman’s Poolside Bar

Perfectly positioned on the edge of the iconic Hayman® Pool, Aqua takes poolside relaxation to new heights with easy-to-share seafood dishes, seasonal salad bowls and tropical classics including zesty ice pops, fresh juices and cocktails.
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In partnership with Sodashi, Hayman® Spa seeks to nurture and celebrate each individual’s unique beauty with a bespoke invitation to travel deeper into relaxation.

Delve into soothing massages and revitalizing clay wraps within Hayman® Spa’s 11 treatment rooms before sinking into Spa Oasis’s plunge pool and sauna. Transform with radiant, clear skin after a deep immersion facial. Glow from within after our expert spa team lead you in gemstone therapy. An elevated natural experience, Sodashi takes a holistic approach to beauty that transcends skincare, welcome a total experience that works to nurture the mind, body and spirit.
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Modern Australian

The resort’s signature restaurant and bar, Pacific, takes you from morning to evening with an effortless transition from gourmet breakfast buffets to a sophisticated a la carte menu and bar in the evening. On Tuesday and Friday evenings from 6:00-9:00pm, indulge in a premium seafood buffet selection while immersing in Coral Sea vistas.

*Please note that Pacific’s à la carte menu is unavailable on Tuesday and Friday evenings while our Flavours of Pacific premium buffet is on offer.
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Retail destination

The resort’s Hamptons-style retail hub and casual daytime eatery, Grove Boutique & Café is a mecca of luxury retail brands, souvenirs, holiday essentials and relaxed barista crafted Vittoria Coffee.
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A stunning outdoor setting that stretches from Central Lanai, right through to Rainforest Grove. Featuring an open-air lagoon fit with an on-water staging platform, tropical garden features and a flowing waterfall feature wall, this space caters to cocktail events for 240.
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A waterfront oasis for the entire family awaits with the beautifully-appointed Two Bedroom Pool Suite Ocean View. Located on levels 2 and 3 of the resort, the suites offer an elegant blend of interior and exterior design, with views across the Hayman Pool and Coral Sea from your private double balcony.The spacious residence is flooded with natural light, offering an airy living room and dining area, complete with beautiful finishes and minimalist design. This suite provides two luxurious rooms with a king size bed in each, its own private ensuite bathroom with separate shower, bath, double vanity and open-plan dressing room.The Two Bedroom Pool Suite Ocean View is 114sqm (Pool Suite is 75m2 and twin room at 38m2).

2 bedrooms | 114sqm | 4 guests
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Amidst manicured gardens and symmetrical surrounds, place stunning long tables over the terrace’s fountain displays for an enchanted evening you won’t forget, or begin celebrations with cocktail moments in the venues Central Lanai location.
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Arkhurst’s curved symmetrical surrounds welcome delegates to a multitude of indoor event activations; from gala dinners, to team-building moments, break-out sessions, exhibitions and more.
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Discover stretches of white-sand paradise with unrivalled location on the absolute Hayman® beachfront. Offering rare access to nature’s unspoiled surrounds as your own, the Beachfront Pool Villas open onto spectacular views of the Coral Sea. Floor-to-ceiling windows create light-drenched living, with the residence offering a super-king bedroom, separate bathroom with island bath tub, separate shower and open-plan dressing room. Outdoors, the villas feature a private island retreat with an open-air plunge pool, outdoor shower, a chaise lounge day-bed and beautiful timber finishes. Please note: guests 12 years and under are not permitted to stay in the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite due to Queensland pool safety regulations.

1 bedroom | 120 sqm | 2 guests
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Experience the pinnacle of Hayman Island with its most exclusive residence: the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House. The private estate is nestled on the Hayman® beachfront with unrivalled, unobstructed views of the Coral Sea.

This luxurious residence boasts modern design-led interiors with airy, light-drenched open-living that includes a private dining and living room, and outdoor alfresco entertaining area overlooking the spectacular beachfront infinity pool.

Three bedrooms each offer a distinct sense of place: the master suite featuring a dramatic entry with floor-to-ceiling curtains bordering your opulent king bed with direct access to the infinity pool*. While all rooms feature superior design, master ensuites with over-sized bathtubs and a private pool*.

Designed to flow effortlessly from the indoors to outdoors, this immaculate residence also features sun lounges with each pool, manicured gardens and bamboo walls, and timber stepping platforms leading to direct beach access.

* All pools in the Three Bedroom Hayman Beach House are fully safety-fenced which permits children under the age of 12 to stay in this accommodation.

3 bedrooms | 400sqm | 6 guests
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InterContinental Hayman Island Resort offers a range of exciting sport and recreational activities. The recreation centre is located behind the main resort building opposite the formal gardens with activities including tennis courts, squash courts, basketball, croquet, soccer, bocce, pool and foosball.
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InterContinental Planet Trekkers Kid's Club caters to little travellers aged 4-12 years old, presenting a fun-filled indoor playroom and a collection of education, destination-inspired experiences around the resort. Sessions are 3.5 hours in duration and are held morning (8:30am - 12pm), afternoon (1pm - 4:30pm) and evening (on demand with minimum 24 hours booking from 5pm - 8:30pm).
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Located across from Hayman® Spa, Hayman® Hair Salon is run by the award-winning hairstylist, Cherie Falco. Extend your self-care journey by drawing on Cherie’s expert cutting, colouring and styling finesse; or pamper yourself before romantic private dining moments, wedding celebrations or memorable events.

Hayman® Hair Salon partners with Kevin Murphy’s eco-friendly colour and styling products. Derived from natural ingredients, products are free from sulphate, paraben, ammonia and ppd with full PETA approval and utilise recycled packaging from Ocean Waste Plastic.
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Located in the epicentre of Lion’s Court, Langford Room unlocks views across the Coral Sea with floor-to-ceiling windows. The venue’s 37X30m space allows for 300 guests and offers ultimate flexibility with state-of-the-art AV capability, as well as the option to transform into two separate, pillar-less rooms if required.
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Located in the resort’s Central Lanai, this venue offers a contemporary boardroom setting for 14 delegates. Immerse into business mode with state-of-the-art AV, air-conditioning and stationery.
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Located just off Arkhurst, this private dining venue for 16 is decked out with racks of vintage wines and ambient lighting. There is an option to adventure into commercial kitchen space with our chefs and be submerged into the action while engaging in a signature culinary masterclass.
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Located just off Hayman Pool, this semi-private venue is ideal for themed events and makes a perfect wet weather option for up to 100 guests cocktail-style.
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Located outside Langford Room, Langford Lawn is the perfect venue for break-out sessions, culinary moments and teambuilding exercises. Looking over Hayman Island’s beachfront, delegates will feel immersed in Whitsunday surrounds.
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Looking back across the resort and the Whitsunday Passage, this outdoor venue is surrounded with swaying palm trees and expanses of green grass for you to activate as you like.
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Master your swing with InterContinental Hayman Island Resort’s state-of-the-art indoor golf simulator. Players can perfect their game with unparalleled accuracy and realism, measuring ball direction, speed, spin and launch angle in three dimensions.
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Our Chefs present an extraordinary collection of private dining experiences across Hayman Island’s most stunning indoor and outdoor venues, including the Hayman Pool Cabanas.
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Our partner Ocean Dynamics' suite of signature by-water experiences include Whitehaven Beach & Hill Inlet tours, Sea Scooter Underwater Tours, guided jet ski adventures, Great Barrier Reef diving experiences, private charters and more.
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Our state-of-the-art fitness facilities offer personal training and classes including pilates, yoga, boxing and more. Each guest will receive complimentary access to facilities upon check-in; your fitness and wellness journey doesn't need to stop once you arrive to the island.
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Serene relaxation awaits with the collection of 16 Retreat Rooms. Located in the Beach Wing of the resort, each room has been designed to offer a rare sense of escapism, accentuating the natural surrounds with a tranquil outdoor shower and private courtyard. The open-plan residence features a light-filled living area, king bedding and master bathroom with separate shower and bath tub. The child guest is accommodated on the room's day bed which can be made up as an additional bed. Note: this is not a full size bed so is limited to children up to 12 years old.

1 bedroom | 38sqm | 2 adults + 1 child up to 12 yrs
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Set amongst tropical surrounds, while remaining undercover, Lagoon Lanai provides the perfect wet weather option for groups of up to 150. A flowing rainforest waterfall, signature white staircases and ample space set the scene for working lunches, large-scale dinners or cocktail parties under the stars.
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Set opposite Infinity Pool, treat groups to Bam Bam’s Pan-Asian style canapes and zesty cocktails while watching the sunset across Hayman Island’s beachfront. This is the perfect outdoor venue for mixed seating cocktail events, team-building exercises and more.
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Sitting just beneath the summit of the hilltop with an infinite view of tree-lined shores, white sand and lush foliage, this traditional chapel setting is charming and timeless for your wedding ceremony.
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Spacious and airy, secluded and intimate, the Beachfront Pavilions provide respite for those seeking the ultimate escape. Set on a private beach away from the Resort bustle, these unique standalone structures were designed as an adult-only haven.

Wake for a revitalizing ocean swim, just steps from your bedside. While away a warm afternoon in the shade of your private plunge pool. Watch the sun dip behind the horizon from your covered beachfront terrace. Accented with warm timbers, cooling stone and floods of natural light, the Beachfront Pavilions’ contemporary design invites the outdoors in.

When you’re ready to leave your sanctuary, the Resort’s main facilities are simply a serene beach walk or short buggy ride away.

1 bedroom | 58sqm | 2 adults
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Take in the breathtaking aerial view of the surrounding Whitsunday Islands and fringing reefs from above with group experiences and private tours available.
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The iconic Hayman Pool takes poolside relaxation to new heights with Aqua Bar perched on the edge of the pool, and offers direct room access from the Pool Wing. 
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The trail sees guests hike around the perimeter of the island via Blue Pearl Bay, Dolphin Point and Butterfly Grove which reveal breathtaking views across the vast Whitsunday Islands.
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There is a wide choice of immersive experiences and activities available at InterContinental Hayman Island Resort to make your stay truly memorable. To enquire please call +07 5501 9992 or visit us in the Adventure Lounge in the Central Lanai.
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Tucked in between Hayman Beach and Coconut Grove, this private, adults-only location is perfect for an array of team-building activities or dining experiences. Please note that this venue is subject to tides.
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Uncover a private dining platform nestled amidst stunning tropical garden surrounds, the perfect location for an intimate group lunch or dinner for up to 40 guests. Solar powered AV lighting lines the deck, while lush greenery opens out onto Lion Court’s stunning open-air lagoon.
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Venture out at your own pace with a range of sea kayaks, stand up paddleboards, non-motorised catamarans and windsurfers available at your leisure from Hayman Beach.
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With pristine sands at your feet, soak up stunning views across the Whitsundays in this exquisite beach setting. Please note that this venue is subject to tides.
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Designed as a relaxing haven for families, the Family Lagoon Suite offers a luxurious retreat with rare connection to the unspoiled surrounds.

2 bedrooms | 144sqm | 4 adults + 2 children up to 12 years
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Discover one of InterContinental Hayman Island Resort's most exclusive residences with the Three Bedroom Hayman Suite. Ideal for larger travel groups, the suite offers panoramic views across Hayman Island and the Whitsundays from a wrap-around balcony, an impressive gallery kitchenette, contemporary open-plan living area and bar.

3 bedrooms | 190sqm | 7 guests
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Elegant floor-to-ceiling windows welcome you out onto a magnificent private balcony featuring partial views of Hayman Beach and Coral Sea. Located on levels 1, 2 and 3 of the resort, each residence offers bright interiors with generous, light-filled spaces, king or twin bedding and open-plan dressing room. A private ensuite features separate bath tub, shower and double vanity. Adjoining rooms are subject to availability upon request. Third guest to utilise a pull-out single sofa bed.

1 bedroom | 54sqm | 2 adults + 1 child up to 12 years
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Located on levels 2 and 3 of the resort, the One Bedroom Pool Ocean View Suite offers exquisite indoor and outdoor living spaces with views across the Hayman Pool and Coral Sea. Each residence offers light-filled open spaces which flow from each room to the next, starting with the open-plan living area and private double balcony. The private master bedroom features king bedding with the same hypnotic views, a separate master ensuite with bath, shower and double vanity, and an open-plan dressing room.

1 bedroom | 75sqm | 2 guests
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Luxury island living is reimagined with one of the resort’s most iconic experiences: the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite. This residence offers direct swim-out access from your private double balcony into the Hayman Pool, providing an unrivalled sense of relaxation. Newly-transformed interiors boast floor-to-ceiling windows creating bright living spaces and soft coastal hues in the lounge area. The master bedroom features king bedding, an open-plan dressing room and contemporary ensuite with separate shower, bath tub and luxury amenities. Please note: guests 12 years and under are not permitted to stay in the One Bedroom Pool Access Suite due to Queensland pool safety regulations.

1 bedroom | 75sqm | 2 guests
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Overlooking the Hayman Lagoon or tropical gardens, the Lagoon Rooms offer serenity and spaciousness on levels 1, 2 or 3 of the resort. Offering soft finishes and luxury amenities, you will retreat into an open-plan residence offering king or twin bedding, separate dressing room and private balcony. Luxury spills into a contemporary ensuite complete with a double vanity, shower and separate bath tub. Disability accessible room is available on request. Adjoining rooms are subject to availability upon request. Third child guest to utilise a pull-out single sofa bed.

1 bedroom | 54sqm | 2 adults + 1 child up to 12 years
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Spaciousness and seclusion meet in the Lagoon King Suite collection. Enjoy generous retreats with open-plan living and unique island vistas.

1 bedroom | 90sqm | 3 guests
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The One Bedroom Hayman Suite enjoys a privileged position on the top floor of the Lagoon Wing, offering a show-stopping private double balcony with views of Hayman Beach, Coral Sea and Whitsunday Islands. Inside, the thoughtfully-designed suite presents light-filled contemporary spaces with a large open-plan living room and luxury amenities. The separate king bedroom offers a serene retreat with its contemporary ensuite bathroom, separate shower, bath tub, double vanities and private dressing room. The third guest to utilise a rollaway bed (additional charges apply).

1 bedroom | 92sqm | 3 guests
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The Two Bedroom Hayman Suites offer an enriching retreat with beautifully-restored interiors reminiscent of a private home. Ideal for families, the suite presents a large open-plan living room and dining area spilling onto a private balcony with sweeping views of Hayman Beach, the Coral Sea and Whitsunday Islands. The light-filled suites offer two separate bedrooms, each presenting an unrivalled experience with spectacular double-doors opening onto your own private balcony and island backdrop. Featuring one king room and one twin room, each with a spacious ensuite.

The fifth guest to utilise a rollaway bed (additional charges apply).

2 bedrooms | 160sqm | 5 guests
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Discover the epitome of luxury living with four bespoke Hayman Residences perched on the island’s picturesque hilltops unlocking the perfect balance between private seclusion and ultimate accessibility with full access to the resort’s facilities

4 bedrooms | 8 guests
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